How do I recertify my lapsed EMT certification?
February 22, 2023 9:30 AM   Subscribe

I would like to re-certify my lapsed EMT certification, it has been 4 years since it lapsed. According to NREMT website one step is "40 hours of continuing education" How do I take these continuing education hours? is there a cheap/free way to do so? Then do I have to take my practical exam through an accredited program, and if so how do I sign up for a practical exam? I'm so confused, thanks!
posted by maxexam to Education (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
What you probably should do is contact your local rescue squad or similar emergency response organization (might just be the fire department), that employs EMTs. They may offer a continuing education course themselves, or they will certainly be able to point you to one or more options. In my neck of the woods, Rescue Inc. is the local rescue squad, and they happen to have launched the Vermont EMS Academy which offers EMT training, info here and here. Wherever you are, there is something equivalent.

Also on that NREMT website there is this page about continuing education and recertification.
posted by beagle at 10:29 AM on February 22, 2023 [1 favorite]

Former NREMT psychomotor examiner here. I would contact the nearest Community College that has an EMS program and speak to them, this is a thing they do with reasonable frequency.

Is your state license still valid? If you don't plan to move and still have a valid state certification you might not need your NREMT. In my state a lot of people let their National lapse after one cycle. It might not even be necessary if you move states to somewhere with a reciprocal agreement. In which case I'd reach out to your state's EMS licensing board and ask.

Don't forget to bring your AHA BLS up to date as well. This is usually not included in cert/recert classes.
posted by Ardnamurchan at 10:47 AM on February 22, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: 2nd Ardnamurchan. Contact your local community college’s EMS continuing education coordinator. You may only have to complete a 40 hour refresher and the college exam. May have to take the state exam again. Should be a TSOP component as well. Depending on how long ago you acquired your cert, your state may be using FISDAP now (I know NC is, but wasn’t when I got my basic nor my intermediate). Something to be aware of. You also might be able to find information pertinent to your state through your state’s Office of EMS. In the future, there are ConEd hours available through community colleges, but I believe you have to be an active member/employed by a responding agency to get the fees waived. Make sure your ConEd hours are in the correct state and you’re taking the correct courses to satisfy the various reqs (trauma, doc, respiratory, etc).

I feel for you.
posted by sara is disenchanted at 1:19 PM on February 22, 2023 [1 favorite]

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