Copenhagen hotels with 3 beds?
January 14, 2023 9:24 AM   Subscribe

Going to Copenhagen in late May with SO, her sister and 23 yo nephew. Looking for hotel/bnb with 2 bedrooms but one needs 2 separate beds. Happy to pay a little more for a nicer spot.

Going to Copenhagen in late May with SO, her sister and 23 yo nephew. Looking for hotel/bnb with 2 bedrooms but one needs 2 separate beds. Happy to pay a little more for a nicer spot. This has been surprisingly hard to find via the usual systems.

We’ll be there for 4-5 days and want to walk/bike as much as possible. Purely a vacation trip

Also - how much has changed due to Covid? Are the interesting places from 2-3 years ago still around? Lots of news that Noma is gone, but anything else of note?
posted by Farce_First to Travel & Transportation around Copenhagen, Denmark (7 answers total)
Have you checked the hostels? They all have very high standard single and double rooms, and some even have apartments. This is one, but there are more that are all very good. You might want to write them a mail with your specifications and they will probably be able to give you a good offer, rather than just booking online. Everyone here speaks English. In general, that would be a good approach, if there is a place you like.

There is a tiny hotel/bnb I find incredibly charming, and they don't even advertise their rooms, so you have to write and ask. It's a bit off the city center, but only ten minutes by metro or less. Josty is a historical garden restaurant that has very few rooms.

At my old job, we had a permanent deal with the Savoy Hotel, which is not nearly as fancy as it's namesake, but very nice and affordable in a great location.

Regarding COVID, there are no longer any restrictions. A few restaurants and music venues shut down, but mostly everything is back to normal. I suspect that by May, at least the music venues will have found new financing. I think NOMA is dying a natural death unrelated to COVID, it was a thing of a certain age (and I love it), but that age has passed now, and it is wise of René Redzepi to understand it. He was always a smart guy.
posted by mumimor at 10:06 AM on January 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

Wake Up Copenhagen might work for you. It's very bare bones, tiny rooms with see through shower in the room (no privacy) but if you're just crashing there then it's fine. They have an offering called "Wake Up Family" which "consists of two WAKEUP STANDARD rooms with connecting doors." I can't tell but think they only have one bed in each room. The "large" rooms look to have a bed and a cot, looking at the diagrams in the page linked above. There's three locations. I like BORGERGADE, but the other locations might be close to things you want to see too.
posted by Bunglegirl at 11:05 AM on January 14, 2023

Check serviced apartments....the tourist website lists several
posted by brujita at 11:32 AM on January 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

You might find something on Airbnb- here's one with two bedrooms but three beds.
posted by pinochiette at 1:43 PM on January 14, 2023

I would send an email to Scandic Hotels and just describe what you want (twin room with extra bed), they’re a perfectly nice hotel chain with great breakfasts.
Edit because I misread. What you want is a family room. Or possibly just a regular twin and a “cabin” for the kid, that’s a very small signal with no window.
posted by Iteki at 7:51 AM on January 15, 2023

Ignore my entire post (other than that Scandic Hotels is a perfectly cromulent choice with at least at 8 centrally located hotels in CPH. Re-reading your question, you just want two double-rooms, one of which has twin beds. I think I assumed there must be some sort of complicating factor. Otherwise most of them also offer the family room mentioned above with beds for four, usually one double and two twins.
posted by Iteki at 9:45 AM on January 15, 2023

I gather you are all adults, not parents travelling with very young children? If you are considering rooms with bathrooms that force users to defecate and shower in full sight of others - please make sure that every member of your party is on board with that idea. I would not be. It would also never occur to me to highlight that as a requirement to the people that book the accommodation because it is a minimum requirement for most people.

If you can’t specify/identity/filter for bed configuration just email hotels - you want two rooms, one with a double bed and one with twin beds (and you want a solid bathroom door/wall). The vast majority of hotels ought to be able to accommodate your party.
posted by koahiatamadl at 11:08 AM on January 15, 2023

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