Seeking good podcasts/blogs/Youtubers to review genre films and books
November 25, 2022 7:31 PM   Subscribe

I have one friend who makes really good, low-budget fantasy and sci-fi movies, and he really needs more publicity. I have another friend who self-publishes good magic realism-style fantasy books, and he's struggling to get any attention at all. If they were making horror stuff I can think of a number of fairly popular horror podcasts, blogs and Youtube shows that might review their work, but where are the places to get reviews like that for fantasy and sci-fi?

(I'm not going to specify who these friends are, for reasons.) My filmmaker friend makes really fun, comedic shorts and features with sci-fi and fantasy elements. Low-budget, but imaginative and unique. My author friend writes comedic books that read kind of like charming, mid-20th Century New Yorker-y stories, but with lightly fantastical stuff. Somewhere between James Thurber and John Collier. They're both doing good work and I want to help them get more attention. As I said above I can think of a number of horror podcasts, blogs and Youtube shows that regularly review low-budget movies or indie books based on recommendations from their fans, but I'm not really finding similar things for fantasy and sci-fi stuff. Can you folks offer any suggestions? People who review mainstream, non-genre movies and books would also be an option. The most important thing would be that they're open to reviewing low-budget, indie work.
posted by Ursula Hitler to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Is your writer friend eligible for SFWA or Codex? Both have active discussion areas where your friend could talk shop and connect with other indie writers. SFWA also has a program where writers can share ARCs of upcoming work on Netgalley.
posted by yarntheory at 10:08 AM on November 26, 2022

The Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off is something I've followed (and sometimes bought things from) for written stuff (the 2022 one is already underway, so your friend could have a look at it and consider if they wanted to go for it next year).
posted by Shark Hat at 11:47 AM on November 26, 2022

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