What can you tell me about the Village Halloween Parade
October 31, 2022 8:41 AM   Subscribe

Where is a good place to Experience Halloween on a Monday in NYC? Is the Village Halloween Parade?

We (longtime New Yorkers) have avoided the street level bc of other plans, or "the crowds" but it does seem like a reliable place to see excellent costumes. Is walking in the parade more fun than watching it?

I've read some old reports on reddit, and a few mentions here on the green, but I'm interested in personal descriptions and tips.

We are just a pair of middle aged people in NYC who want to see some other adults in costumes, who wouldn't be caught dead in Times Square Except for when we go to see a show. The Ball Drop? The Tree Lighting at Rockefeller center? NEVER.
Is the Halloween parade on a Monday Different? Is there a bar or restaraunt on the route that would be fun to casually watch from?
posted by wowenthusiast to Travel & Transportation around New York, NY (5 answers total)
Pre-pandemic, at least: total madhouse. Best for the very young, very drunk, or the very enthusiastic (ideally, all three).
posted by praemunire at 8:55 AM on October 31, 2022 [1 favorite]

Is walking in the parade more fun than watching it?= having done both, I can guarantee the answer is 100% yes. When you're walking, you can go at your own pace and see all the cool folks around you!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 9:09 AM on October 31, 2022 [1 favorite]

I'mma make a pitch for visiting my own Brooklyn neighborhood, actually, instead of going to the parade.

Fort Greene and Clinton Hill is right bang in the middle of "Brownstone Brooklyn", so you have the gorgeous genteel houses and a good mix of people - some longtime residents who own their buildings, a bunch of newcomers who rent, and a couple colleges for the young-and-arty vibe. The place goes all-out decor-wise for the festivities - people started putting up decorations 3 weeks ago.

You'll see a good mix of adults in costumes hopping between various bars, and a whole bunch of kids in costumes as well, doing actual door-to-door trick-or-treating. There's even a local jazz singer who dresses up in zombie costumes with her band and they do a free concert on the sidewalk in front of her building every Halloween.

But the neighborhood still has a more chill, low-crowd feel. You may find one or two blocks where people have congregated around a specific bar or a specific house party, but go just one block up the street and you'll find a much quieter block with maybe three kids staring in awe at the giant inflatable spider someone's got on their stoop.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 9:11 AM on October 31, 2022 [3 favorites]

I, a Halloween enthusiast, have attended the parade either from within it, or observing pretty much every year I can for most of my life.

The parade will be busy on a weekday, not as bad as a weekend, but still busy. People will be 2-3 people deep around most of the route, if not deeper in NYU land. It's generally a pretty fun mix of families with kids, tipsy college kids and general NYC folk.

I would aim to be along the route at 7ish, you want to catch the marching bands and big team floats. Based on your description, you will probably be over it by 7:30pm, which is fine! The most creative costumes are usually the first batch after the corporate/organized floats; those are the people who actually wrangled their friend groups into costumes and got them to Canal st. On time.

Since you want less crowds, head to the either the end of the parade, around 12th st. Pros: The roads are less Byzantine and cross streets broader, cons: parade takes a minute to actually get to you, and NYU. Or the start: near Houston: pros generally emptier in prior years, but neighborhood can be a bit more boring for pre or post drinks.
posted by larthegreat at 10:57 AM on October 31, 2022 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: update in case somwon is searching for similar info in the future: We went!
got into a lineup around canal & 6th at ~710, were indeed penned in for a few blocks of 6th ave, moving fairly slowly, then unleashed to walk at your own pace around sullivan street, caught up wirh the thriller dancers around 12th street, and finished up at 15th street around 9pm. Very cool to see everyone in costume and to experience such a multicultural all-ages crowd of new yorkers and visitors. thanks for the encouragement!

one of us would do it again, the other was glad to say they'd done it once at least. in the future i'd maybe try to hit 6th ave around broome street a little before 7.
posted by wowenthusiast at 9:05 AM on November 1, 2022 [1 favorite]

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