ios voice memos app questions
October 24, 2022 1:52 PM   Subscribe

I use the ios voice memos app all the time to record practicing guitar. Sometimes I use the apple watch version, and sometimes the iphone version. There are a couple things I can't seem to make work the way I want them to.

1. When I go running, if I try to listen to what I've recorded on my watch, the exercise app overrides the playback, stopping it every minute or so. Turning on airplane mode doesn't help.

2. When I am listening to my recordings on my phone, and I get into my car, the playback on my car stereo doesn't continue the voice memos app, it switches over to apple music automatically.

Are there any ways to prevent these minor but persistent annoyances from happening?
posted by umbĂș to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
2 also really bugs me, and happens with nearly every audio app. I take it you are connecting to your car via bluetooth? No matter what non-Music app I'm using, Music has a tendency to take over in the car scenario. Sometimes I can get Libby audiobooks to resume when I get back into my car, but it is not reliable.

One way I can think to prevent it would be to take bluetooth out of the picture: connect your phone to the car audio via aux cable.

The other thing you can do, for both 1 and 2: export the voice memos to a computer (airdrop), import them to Music on that computer (just drag and drop into the Library view), and sync them to your phone that way. From there you can probably sync to your watch?
posted by xueexueg at 6:49 PM on October 24, 2022 [1 favorite]

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