referral question
October 19, 2022 10:23 AM   Subscribe

Looking for an expert who can offer professional advice/support to someone who is going through a breakup with their decades-long partner in North Carolina.

I'll call them Adria & Braylen (after backup hurricane names starting with A & B). I am glossing over the details of the insurance question because that is not the question. I am asking at the request of Adria.

Adria is looking for someone with immediate availability for new clients because Braylen is moving out of the shared condo (owned by Braylen, in preparation to sell it) this week. Adria is concerned about losing Braylen's health insurance and has some immediate-concern questions.

Generally speaking, Braylen has had a lawyer for months; Adria is just starting to look. So I suspect that if you have a really good person you'd like to share, Adria will still probably need to talk to them after this week.

Adria is willing to pay, can do remote or in-person, and ideally would talk to someone today or tomorrow about this urgent insurance question. Ideally someone (probably a lawyer) in Chapel Hill (or maybe Durham/Apex/Cary). Adria is aware of the NC insurance commissioner, review websites, and search engines.
posted by aniola to Law & Government (1 answer total)
Calling the insurance company would be a good first step.
posted by tipsyBumblebee at 12:18 PM on October 19, 2022

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