Recovery having Abdominal sacrocolpopexy….what to expect
July 5, 2022 6:34 AM   Subscribe

I am having Abdominal sacrocolpopexy next Thursday. I can’t believe it went from stage1 to stage3 in 2 months. My doctor is great and answered all my questions. I’m preparing myself mentally(which is most important now)to get through the surgery and recovery. Last 6/7 months have been really overwhelming. Had a facial mass removed,then had a breast biopsy(thank god it was benign), physical therapy sessions,son having stomach issues and then I started bleeding(had hysterectomy before )……….. now this surgery…………..

Am I scared about the surgery? Yes…………….a little bit……..Please don’t recommend therapy. I have been in therapy before and I am stronger than last year. I’m not depressed and no crying spells. I’m calmer and less anxious. Thanks to wonderful mefites I came to know through meta card club who have been sharing uplifting messages/stories. I read through their cards when I feel down.It has helped me to focus on myself and enjoy the things that I love. I’m pursuing my hobby more than ever. I don’t have any friends in my neighborhood to help out but my husband and adult son are home full time. They are very helpful and will do everything. I’m trying to do whatever I can to make it easy for them to take care while I recover from surgery. Started preparing food and freezing them. Planning to get things done before the surgery. I did the same a decade ago when I had my hysterectomy. I recovered in few months and even travelled internationally to see my dad who was very worried not being there for me during surgery that time.

Have done a lot of reading on the internet. Just want to find out if anybody had gone through this surgery and their experiences on what to expect with the recovery. Also, what questions should I ask my doc on my pre-op appointment next Tuesday?
posted by SunPower to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Seeing that this has had no answers: I have not had this surgery, but I have had abdominal surgery twice. It was the same surgery, but one was open but one laparoscopic. The difference in recovery was massive - up and about without issue day one with laparoscopic, vs needing serious pain relief and help for the open. So I suspect that if you had a laparoscopic hysterectomy and this surgery laparoscopically, a lot of the recovery will be similar (ditto if both open) - but it will be different if the method of entry is different.
posted by Vortisaur at 1:38 AM on July 8, 2022 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Ms. Windopaene had this about 15 years ago or so.

It was a long procedure, due to her veins, which were in the way. I think she spent one night in the hospital. She had to chill at home for a few days, and couldn’t lift anything for a few months. Also left her with a tummy bulge where the incision was.

But, considering how crazy this surgery was, it went really well. You got this. Don’t panic!
posted by Windopaene at 4:28 PM on July 8, 2022 [2 favorites]

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