Hypoglycemia question (YANMD)
June 27, 2022 6:22 PM   Subscribe

How concerned do I need to be about a couple of hypoglycemic incidents?

Sunday evening, I suddenly found myself nauseous and shaking. I had just finished a small supper, but I hadn’t eaten much in the previous 24 hours, so it kind of stood to reason that I could be hypoglycemic. After a turkey and bacon sandwich, things got back to normal. Today, I had been on a normal eating schedule and was surprised to find myself shaking again the moment I finished a well-balanced meal. I ate four cookies and drank some real Coke, and I’m doing better now (still just a bit shaky, but not so anyone would notice).

The only other factor I can think of is that I ran out of my OTC magnesium supplement (500 mg) Saturday. I got more today, and had taken it about an hour before I ate. Google tells me that magnesium does play an important role in blood-sugar levels.

So do I visit my doctor tomorrow? Do I wait to see if this happens a third day? Advice and anecdata welcome.
posted by bryon to Health & Fitness (4 answers total)
What were your glucose numbers during these? If you’re not diabetic/not taking insulin and going low, you should get to the doctor.
posted by michaelh at 6:53 PM on June 27, 2022

Do you have a glucometer and did you test? Are you sure you had low blood sugar and not low blood pressure?

I have Type 2 diabetes, though very well controlled, and one of the things that often has shocked me as that I will very occasionally feel "zhvacht" (Yiddish but somewhat untranslatable for weak/woozy/shaky) but when I test my blood glucose, I'll be anywhere from 95-115, which is basically excellent. About a decade ago, when I was severely anemic, I had the same symptoms you describe.

It could be that you were dehydrated, or had low blood pressure, or indeed hypoglycemia. If it's been hot where you are, you could have heat sensitivity. You could have a thyroid condition. The symptoms you describe could fit a wide variety of conditions.

Given that it's happened two days in a row, please see your doctor. In the meantime, check to see if your insurance company has a toll-free ask-a-nurse line in case they have some advice for you in the meantime. Sending good thoughts.
posted by The Wrong Kind of Cheese at 7:04 PM on June 27, 2022

Yeah, IANAD but I am a frequent patient and this sounds like doctor territory. They may or may not feel like it warrants a referral to an endocrinologist, but it’s nothing you want to ignore.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 7:05 PM on June 27, 2022

Nthing the doc suggestion. They can easily set you up with a 2 week continuous glucose monitor and see what’s going on.

Since you mentioned not having eaten much on one of the days, I wanted to chime in here with info that may very well not apply. A year ago, I started having hypoglycemic episodes regularly and it was a big mystery until I did a hospitalized fast and discovered it was malnutrition. I was at a “normal” BMI but underweight and didn’t realize it. Something to consider as most folks don’t realize this can happen and most docs don’t, either.

Good luck!
posted by 10ch at 8:17 PM on June 27, 2022

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