"Gas storm" in my stomach, not sure what could be wrong?
June 12, 2022 4:57 PM   Subscribe

I've been having weird stomach issues lately, as well as some weird toilet-related issues. More inside the fold.

Lately, I've been having weird stomach issues, when one moment everything is fine, then for about 30 seconds, this awful heaviness passes through my stomach. It's hard to describe, but it's kind of gastric-feeling, like this heavy "gas storm" (but no urge/need to fart or go #2) that passed through my stomach quickly, then just as quickly, goes away. Pepto Bismol doesn't seem to help, and nor does Ibuprofen. Not sure if it's gas, bloating, or something else.

Not sure if it's related, but I've been having a bit of a hard time going pee as well. I would feel a need to go, but when I actually go, it kind of "splutters" and a small amount comes out. I also have been having more "wet" #2's (sorry if TMI) and go 3ish times a day, instead of one big #2 that is once a day.

The "gas storm" happens without rhyme and reason (ie, sometimes it comes when I'm not eating or haven't eaten, but sometimes it comes when I have been eating), and happens maybe every 30 minutes or so, but sometimes 1-2 times a day only (in other words, it's unpredictable). Sometimes it's light, sometimes it's heavy and I have to pause what I'm doing, and sometimes the pain spreads to my lower back as well. It's so frustrating and annoying.

I did have an urine test in January (clean/no UTI), ultrasound for my stomach (around February, no issues), CT for my stomach, and even more recently last month, a MRI for my stomach with no issues being seen. Nothing has been detected with those diagnoses. The "gas storm" issue is new-ish, started around a month ago, but had a weird "bone" spasm issue with my lower chest. I have a scheduled upper endoscopy coming in August, for the "spasm" issue, so didn't want to bother my doctor with this issue because it's "overlaying" with the other issue, but it's a bit annoying. Not sure if it's all related.

I'm not sure what's wrong, and YANMD, but figured I'd plug AskMe to see if you had any ideas what could be happening. Will be happy to answer questions as needed. Am a male in my mid-30s, if that reference helps.
posted by thoughtful_analyst to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Any COVID? I definitely has some bizarre stuff like this for a month or two after testing positive for Omicron.
posted by stoneandstar at 5:42 PM on June 12, 2022 [2 favorites]

I suppose you've been looking at your diet more closely but I would re-examine absolutely everything. A few years back I developed a sensitivity to tree nuts and chocolate - things I'd enjoyed all my life without problems.
posted by brachiopod at 5:52 PM on June 12, 2022

Um… not your doctor but this sounds in part (gas and strange stools) like symptoms I had many years ago with an intestinal parasite. I don’t know if MRI/CT/ultrasound would pick that up. Perhaps a stool test would help?
posted by underthelilacs at 7:31 PM on June 12, 2022 [3 favorites]

If you start something new that a friend recommends, then something like this comes up, then stop. Whatever new thing, or new place to eat, or kind of food, drop it. My daughter and her friends like kombucha, I only had a couple of sips of that stuff and I never used it again. In this time of poisoned seas, and pandemic, I wouldn't dream of eating raw seafood. But sudden swelling feelings in the stomach I would walk around, get the air out. Make sure you are sitting up straight while you drink, I swallow air when I eat or drink, I have tried to change this, sometimes I do think this through while eating and drinking. Best to you. I would totally skip drinks with carbonation for now.
posted by Oyéah at 7:54 PM on June 12, 2022

Have your prostate checked. The nerve there runs up through your digestive system and along with your urinating troubles, it should be top of your list.
posted by Bottlecap at 8:38 PM on June 12, 2022 [4 favorites]

I've had some of this, but it is likely a side effect of my type 2 diabetes medication, Metformin.
posted by lhauser at 9:38 PM on June 12, 2022

Have you made any dietary changes lately, even in terms of eating more vegetables or more salads? Raw veggies can be hard to digest and can cause problems. It could be a FODMAP sensitivity. Or if it's hot where you are, more iced drinks than usual could cause stomach issues.
posted by Sar at 9:48 PM on June 13, 2022

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