places to stay during Bristol Rhythm & Roots?
April 29, 2022 12:25 PM   Subscribe

I've never been to this festival before - any tips? Particularly where to stay - I'm guessing it's not too early to make reservations. Thanks for any advice (dates 9/9-11)
posted by mmiddle to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It've been several times, but as a local. This is a relatively small event for the area compared to the races, so I would not expect it to be hard to find a place to stay. There are eg airbnbs available.
posted by joeyh at 10:49 AM on April 30, 2022 [1 favorite]

Can't help but just YAY! I grew up in Bristol, VA (VHS Bearcats '87) and still have family there and in Abington but I only really go back every few years for a visit. If you run into Bill Hartley say Hi from some weird old friend in California. He'll probably be there, IIRC he's on the Board of The Birthplace of Country Music Museum, the city council, and was mayor twice. As my sister puts it, one of my old running around buddies.

Abington is not that far away and on the interstate, Johnson City and Kingsport are about the same distance (the Tri-Cities Airport is pretty much in the middle of those three).

The best place to look IMHO is up around exit 7 of the 81 on the Virginia side, that's where things got built, sorta the exit with everything, or somewhere from there on the 11 heading into town.

If you're coming from the north on the 81, I'd tell you to get off at the edge of Abington and take the 11 to Bristol for a tour through some old historic things in Abington and a nice drive that would take you right down to State Street.

And yeah, just hope it doesn't coincide with a NASCAR race, that's Hell Time.

Sorry for not a real answer, I just had to chime in on a Bristol question.
posted by zengargoyle at 1:06 PM on May 5, 2022 [1 favorite]

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