Multiple issues with synching Outlook & Google calendars
April 26, 2022 10:31 AM   Subscribe

Please help me achieve cross-platform calendar-integration nirvana! A couple fussy little issues within.

My wife and I use Google Calendar, sharing our accounts with each other so we can see both of our schedules overlaid. This is very useful to us and we have no plans to disrupt this system. It's great for knowing each other's work schedules, so we can coordinate school pickups, etc.

Of course, my new job uses Outlook Calendar. I figured out how to publish my Outlook calendar to my Google calendar, and it works perfectly. (I do not want to publish Google Cal to Outlook, because I do not need or want my coworkers to see my personal calendar!)

The two problems:
1. I can see the shared Outlook events in my Google Calendar only on desktop. I cannot, for the life of me, get the shared Outlook events to show up on my Android Google Calendar app. The "settings" interface on mobile is far less supple, for some reason, and I can't figure it out. But the info is there, somewhere: the share from Outlook to Google was successful, as evidenced by it working on desktop.

2. Though I share my overall Google Calendar with my wife (and she shares hers with me), she cannot see my Outlook events on either her desktop or her Android Google Cal app. That is, she sees only the events that I've entered directly into Google Cal, not the events shared with Google Cal by Outlook.

Does anyone know how I can achieve these last two steps toward perfect calendar-sharingness? Thank you!
posted by Dr. Wu to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Best answer: I had a similar issue recently! Turns out, there's a deeper settings menu on Android where you can select which calendars to sync at all with your phone.

Use the hamburger menu in the top left to see the usual list of calendars to check/uncheck, then scroll ALL the way to the bottom.

Tap on the gear icon and Settings, then under each Gmail account, use the "Show more" button to show more of the calendars you can see in the browser but not on your phone. Tap on any calendar to control colors and mostly just to enable the "Sync" toggle on the ones that are missing.
posted by bookdragoness at 11:01 AM on April 26, 2022 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: bookdragoness, that worked! I can now see my work cal events on my phone. Thank you!

I will check with my wife later to see if we can get this to work on her devices, as well.
posted by Dr. Wu at 11:40 AM on April 26, 2022

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