Give me back my breadsticks and guac (Garlic Intolerance)
March 19, 2022 6:52 PM   Subscribe

About a year ago, garlic stated making me sick and I'm still sad about it. Especially because a lot of restaurant dishes I like are full of it. I know there are some special FODMAP supplements to buy, but is there a cheaper way to pre-game to help? I'm thinking about eating prepared meals, not anything where I can control it.
posted by mermaidcafe to Health & Fitness (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Well, idk if this is for everyone but I was having ALOT of problems with any and all Fodmaps and my doc prescribed an antibiotic to treat suspected SIBO and it was like a miracle occurred and now Fodmaps don't bother me hardly at all.
posted by aetg at 7:07 PM on March 19, 2022 [2 favorites]

We found that the oil from making a confit of garlic could provide a garlic flavour, but still be OK for FODMAP friends. Just slow-cook garlic in olive oil, and use the oil in whatever.
posted by pompomtom at 7:19 PM on March 19, 2022 [2 favorites]

Best answer: Have you tried Beano?
posted by late afternoon dreaming hotel at 2:31 AM on March 20, 2022

Best answer: Seconding Gas Ex or Beano. Works quick so you can prepared for surprises.
posted by ananci at 5:55 PM on March 20, 2022

Response by poster: Should have been more specific--garlic makes me really nauseated, not any other issues.
posted by mermaidcafe at 9:59 PM on April 7, 2022

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