Can/should I wear an action cam while riding a horse in the surf?
February 27, 2022 12:18 PM   Subscribe

Is it practical to wear an action camera like a GoPro while riding a horse along a Caribbean beach (and into the water), and get enjoyable footage? I am a novice rider, and will be on a tourist horse. :7)

I am going on a vacation to Turks & Caicos. My wife wants to ride the horses, and I agree that it looks cool.

I am pretty sure that I won't have a hand free to take pictures, given that I have been on horseback about three times in my life -- and also based on a few blog posts that I read.

Should I try to dig up a chest strap and mount a camera, or just accept that some moments go undocumented? :7) Or might our guides take pictures of us?
posted by wenestvedt to Travel & Transportation (10 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Modern action cam image stabilization is great, but at the worst, you should be able to grab a few stills that look ok
posted by advicepig at 12:21 PM on February 27, 2022

YouTube shows plenty of horse riding shot on helmet cams that is watchable, so I think there’s definitely a way to make this work
posted by advicepig at 12:24 PM on February 27, 2022

My experience is in the US, so take that into account.

Our sunset surf ride was pretty sedate. there were about 6 horses in our group + the leader and we all had to stick together. They would have allowed a faster pace (canter?) if the whole group agreed. And the horses know where to go, I could take my hands off a rein for photos.

Also the group leader was more than willing to take a shot of the two of us together.

My husband's horse and my horse weren't the best of friends so it was difficult to get a shot together. My horse hated the water and I didn't feel like forcing the poor girl.

But if you want to strap on a go-pro, I think that will also work.
posted by muddgirl at 1:19 PM on February 27, 2022 [2 favorites]

(I say "my hands" but thinking back, I only held the reins loosely in my right hand with my left hand free. I think this is called western riding.)
posted by muddgirl at 1:31 PM on February 27, 2022

A chest mounted GoPro would definitely work. You could just set the video rolling and then grab the bits you like later, so you don't spend the whole time trying to get the best shot and can enjoy the experience instead. Otherwise, yeah, sometimes the memories are fine and don't need physical documentation.
posted by dg at 3:05 PM on February 27, 2022

You need either a head-mount or chest-mount for the camera. Not just a chest strap, but a 4-point rig, so it'd remain stable.

I think I've also seen one that's perched on your shoulder with a 3-point rig.

There are things you can do in post-production to stabilize the video, but it's better if your camera has stabilization turned on in the first place.
posted by kschang at 4:59 PM on February 27, 2022

I rode some Clydesdales in NZ and didn't realise I had my little Canon (pocket-sized) set to video, but it did snap pictures when I pressed the button. We did go into a creek, but my horse, Bob, didn't canter or go faster than a slow plod, so I didn't need to use the reins or anything to view the mountains of Modor.
posted by b33j at 7:44 PM on February 27, 2022 [1 favorite]

One Clydesdale - not some.
posted by b33j at 7:45 PM on February 27, 2022 [1 favorite]

Depends on the horses. My sister and I rode a couple of horses from winter home to summer home in like middle school. They knew where they were going, like the drunken cowboy story of just climbing in the horse and heading home. They only got spooked a bit about the expansion plates in the bridge which my sister informed me was because they looked like snakes. Your tourist horse ride will probably be a lot of sit back and enjoy the ride while the horse just follows the horse in front of them like they do every day. You should be able to totally strap a gopro to your head or chest or whatever.
posted by zengargoyle at 8:11 PM on February 27, 2022

I ride regularly and don't see any reason you couldn't. I've seen helmet cam video from cross country jumping and racing.
posted by sepviva at 2:52 AM on February 28, 2022

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