New to HR and looking for online communities
February 21, 2022 8:38 PM   Subscribe

Hi there, in a slight change in career, I am now working for the first time in Human Resources. Im looking for recommendations for active, online communities of HR professionals. For trends, professional development and such. Bonus points if you have other online resources you recommend, podcasts, blogs, accounts to follow. TIA
posted by xicana63 to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Ask A Manager and read her book as well.
posted by saturdaymornings at 8:48 PM on February 21, 2022 [4 favorites]

SHRM requires membership, and there are also local chapters which can help with professional development.
posted by childofTethys at 10:11 PM on February 21, 2022 [1 favorite]

I'm not a member myself (I'm not in HR) but have heard good things about the PeopleGeeks Slack group
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 10:21 PM on February 21, 2022

If in the Labor/Employee Relations side, I think it's helpful to keep up with reading NLRB decisions (for me, FLRA). Not that you can go by those as instructions, but it gives you a good sense of the nuance in a lot of things and acts almost like a "topic of the day" calendar to learn things you otherwise wouldn't have.

Sorry, that's not literally an online community like you asked for, but it is for trends, professional development and such.
posted by ctmf at 11:05 PM on February 21, 2022

As NSAID mentioned, the PeopleGeeks Slack group is great. As are the groups run by Life Labs and Lattice. These 3 are honestly where are go for almost anything as they are super engaged communities with incredible range, point you to lots of other resources, and are well-run by their corporate facilitators/mods.

In terms of other leads for info, you should join SHRM for the cold hard facts, but I've never really found it useful for community. They do have a bunch of newsletters that you can subscribe to for legislative updates, compliance, and other resources. It's worth your company paying for your membership just for their articles and libraries of docs/templates.

If you happen to be in SF, People Tech Partners had excellent events pre-COVID, and either way they have a good newsletter that will alert you to interesting new products. In NYC, the HR Uncubed newsletter that Tarek sends out is entertaining and sometimes useful. On the product front, it's worth it to subscribe to the newsletters from all of the hip HR software companies to find out about communities they are building, new Slack groups, events, trends, and the latest on their products. I happen to like the content from 15Five and Bravely for my work in tech, but if you're working in a different industry, don't worry, the SDRs will find you and start trying to sell you their software soon enough. And then you can subscribe to whatever jumps out at your or is relevant to your company's specific needs. Or if your company already has an HRIS or performance management system, etc. in place, see if those companies have newsletters. They probably do!

Oh, also if you're in tech/startup land, or your company has received VC funding at any point, your VCs probably have an HR/People/Talent person that you should get intro'd to. They can help you with professional development events, benchmarking, and general intel from their portfolio of companies (like salary surveys!). They may also have a newsletter that covers HR/talent/org stuff, and they may occasionally convene gatherings where people in similar roles at similar stages and/or sizes can share notes in real life. Some of those events have been incredible networking and learning opportunities during my career. As an example and/or starting point, I like the stuff that First Round has on their blog because there's a lot of people content and it goes deep, but there are probably others that are great, too.

There's tons of stuff for us HR folks out there and you shouldn't ever feel alone. If you need more info, feel free to message me. Welcome to the the wonderful and wild world of HR!
posted by luzdeluna at 6:50 PM on February 22, 2022

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