Spiralize all the things
January 22, 2022 12:23 PM   Subscribe

I’ve seen a couple recipes recently where you cook spiralized sweet potatoes on a sheet pan and am intrigued. Before I spend $40 on a spiralizer, what do you use yours for? Recommend me some recipes/meals! Thanks!
posted by skycrashesdown to Food & Drink (11 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Don't spend $40! Mine is like this one and was less than ten and pops in my dishwasher and fits easily in a drawer.
posted by 2soxy4mypuppet at 12:25 PM on January 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I love my spiralizer. I pretty much just use it for sweet potatoes but they're done in like 10 minutes.

- I like to eat them with scrambled eggs, avocado and kimchi/sauerkraut.
- I'll use it instead of pasta with spaghetti sauce.
- add it to my bowl of soup to make it more filling (either canned or homemade)
- just as a regular side with chicken and veggies
posted by noloveforned at 12:35 PM on January 22, 2022

Link to recipe?
posted by RustyBrooks at 12:38 PM on January 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Spiralize zucchini! You can air fry it too.
posted by DarlingBri at 12:41 PM on January 22, 2022

I spiralize carrots and use them for cold peanut noodles. I spiralize root vegetables for roasting. I spiralize apples for lazy baked apple desserts.

I don’t believe in zoodles
posted by OrangeVelour at 1:24 PM on January 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I do believe in zoodles, because I have a garden and grow zucchini and other summer squash. If you have a zucchini plant, you almost inevitably have a zucchini problem; spiralization can be part of the solution. I make zoodled zucchini kugels, add zoodles to pasta sauces, stir fries, hash browns, etc. I’ve never tried spiralizing a sweet potato, but I will now. I have the Oxo spiralizer and have no complaints.
posted by mumkin at 1:45 PM on January 22, 2022

I like this raw beet and sweet potato salad with lime dressing but I've only used the spiralizer a few times since I got it 3 years ago. Maybe try the one 2soxy4mypuppet linked to before getting a fancier one like mine which is awkward to store.
posted by BoscosMom at 2:02 PM on January 22, 2022

The best thing I’ve done with my spiralizer (anniversary gift from the in-laws last year) is spiralize daikon and carrot and lightly pickle the results for homemade banh mi. That plus the chicken marinade I found online (soy, lime, garlic, mayo, fish sauce, sugar) makes a sandwich that beats anything I’ve found at any Vietnamese place around here. (FYI, a classic banh mi is the above plus cucumber, cilantro and jalapeño with mayo on crusty French roll / baguette.)

Frankly, after the kids were nonplussed by both zoodles and latkes made with potato spirals, I’m feeling like banh mi will be the main usage of the spiralizer going forward.
posted by sesquipedalia at 2:27 PM on January 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

I bought one specifically to make Sweet Potato Noodles with Pepita Gremolata and I have no regrets.
posted by sugarbomb at 4:30 PM on January 22, 2022

I mostly use mine with zucchini to make noodles and then make noodley dishes like spaghetti with meat sauce or pad Thai, or cold sesame or peanut sauce noodles which are super refreshing in the summer.

I also recommend the banh mi pickled vegetable thing!

I have the large fancy kind of spiralizer with a crank and I love it except that there’s a core left over from whatever vegetable you process, and I never quite know what to do with it.
posted by music for skeletons at 8:17 PM on January 22, 2022

I have resisted the spiralizer and made zoodles and roasted sweet potatoes like you’re describing with the grater attachment for my food processor, which I already had. Maybe I’m missing some zoodle length or spiral-iness but it works really well!
posted by zem at 1:32 PM on January 23, 2022

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