Black Youtubers for preteens - anime, video games, etc?
October 4, 2021 10:09 AM   Subscribe

My pre-teen son and his friends play a lot of video games (Roblox, Minecraft, Genshin Impact), mostly watch anime shows (My Hero Academia, Bleach, Dragon Ball Super) and watch a lot of YouTubers (Mr. Beast, Sebee, Preston, etc.). Are there good black/African-American YouTubers that could be entertaining for these guys?

I'm looking for a little better representation in the media he watches and consumes, and so would like pointers to black online video makers who might appeal to middle-school kids. I've found some black gaming streamers, but they seem to be for a more adult crowd both in terms of language and the games they play. If there's nobody in this space that's really kid-friendly, I'm open to investigating some folks who skew towards an older crowd, just let me know if I should check the content first.

I got him to watch a few Artisan Geek videos which were quirky enough for him to enjoy, but that's not the kind of thing he'd watch if I wasn't sitting right there with him. We've also both finished games like Horizon: Zero Dawn so someone who plays or walks through games like that might be good.
posted by Second Song to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
GamingWithKev does mostly roblox streaming (at least, that's what my kids mostly watch of his). My wife's done a bit of compilation on more diverse kid-friendly streamers, but it's all on facebook, so I can't access it at the moment.
posted by inkyz at 10:32 AM on October 4, 2021

Maybe Drumming with Jarvis? I especially like the Drum Breakdowns.
posted by rjs at 12:37 PM on October 4, 2021 [1 favorite]

If they haven't already discovered Hermitcraft (a group of minecraft players who make videos and stream on youtube):

BigB I *believe* is kid-friendly (although I don't have kids so I don't really notice the difference?). Anyway he's a nice friendly positive guy.

There's another really nice Hermit named BDoubleO100 (aka BDubs), and his minecraft skin is dark toned. In his live streams where is face shows ... well, I can't honestly tell if he is black/African-American or mixed race or just dark complected. But he's cheerful and wholesome and a great builder, and a great representative in general.
posted by bluesky78987 at 9:05 AM on October 5, 2021

Response by poster: Thanks for the pointers - I've subscribed to several of these. My kid actually recognized BDubs as someone he's watched before.
posted by Second Song at 2:53 PM on January 7, 2022

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