Do I need to cover my car for the next 1-3 months in Colorado?
September 23, 2021 11:40 AM   Subscribe

I have to leave town for at least a month and probably no longer than 3. I had been planning to leave the car in an uncovered storage lot with a cover. Looking around it sounds like covers can do more damage than good if they are not high quality. The car is a 95 Mercedes E-class. The paint is already oxidizing. I'm not sure a cover is worth it. A few more details inside.

The car is old, the paint is just starting to oxidize. There is no flaking or rusting. The car is 25 years old. It's normally parked in the sun and has hardly been driven in the last two years thanks to COVID.

I am leaving next week. I don't think I could get a custom cover by then. I don't even know if they exist for a mid-90s Benz. If I weren't traveling the car would still be under the sun and exposed to Colorado snowfall. Colorado winters are mild. My new understanding is that most covers can trap moisture which would be terrible for the paint, and can trap dirt and leaves.

I'm hoping to move into a much newer car in the next year. What do you think? Should I bother covering it for the next few months? If so, let me know if there are any recommendations for brands or types.

This is a little more complicated than I intially thought. Thanks!!!
posted by Che boludo! to Grab Bag (5 answers total)
I would not cover it for two reasons. One, the car is old and is out in the elements now. Two, it signals to a thief type that you are not around and this car can be **ahem** opened. I had a cover on a car I had that was kept in an enclosed garage. It worked in that case. I know some here in the northeast that use a cover to not have to shovel snow. Pop the cover off and drive away.
posted by AugustWest at 11:54 AM on September 23, 2021

If it is in a locked storage lot just cover it with a tarp and secure it with the corner grommits. If it is in a storage lot, it is obviously unattended. Leave it locked or someone will move in.
posted by Oyéah at 1:06 PM on September 23, 2021

Hello from Colorado Springs! I live in an older neighborhood where my neighbors without garages park outside year round. I have a beloved but older car and I park outside year round, too. I personally wouldn't bother with a cover, but I'd check the tires and oil before going and I might ask a friend to run the engine once a month or so, take it out for the occasional spin just to keep everything driveable. If it were hail season I might look for covered parking, but we don't get hail in winter.

If your car is already out in the elements, is there a specific concern you have? Is it the winter weather? The length of your time away? It sounds like 1-3 months sitting isn't all that different from what it's already been doing these past two years.
posted by mochapickle at 1:26 PM on September 23, 2021 [3 favorites]

That said, my neighbor left their ancient truck uncovered and never started the engine for two full years and it started up fine this summer. Sunflowers used the grille as a trellis.
posted by mochapickle at 1:54 PM on September 23, 2021 [1 favorite]

Now and then parts of Colorado are subject to intense hail storms. A thick enough cover can help with that. Also around the airport (DIA) I have heard of cars in long term parking getting their wires chewed by rabbits.
posted by nickggully at 3:06 PM on September 23, 2021 [3 favorites]

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