Heavy luggage in Newark
September 10, 2021 5:23 AM   Subscribe

A relative will be coming in to the United States in Newark with some luggage that is too heavy for her to easily handle. Does anyone have any suggestions on hauling this through customs. I figure that, at the least, she should be able to get a cart and ask another traveler to help move the bag(s) off the baggage carrousel. Is there any kind of luggage handling for hire at this airport? Thanks for any responses!
posted by metadave to Travel & Transportation around Newark, NJ (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Accessibility services at Newark: https://www.newarkairport.com/at-airport/accessibility-services

For hire service: https://newarkairportassistance.com
posted by slipthought at 5:36 AM on September 10, 2021 [3 favorites]

Consider signing up for wheelchair assistance. It's not for the fully disabled, there is a category for "can walk to seat" just not for long distances. It's an option on the airlines web site, very helpful for plane changes also.
posted by sammyo at 7:21 AM on September 10, 2021 [7 favorites]

I went on vacation with a family member with mobility issues in 2019. We went through Calgary airport on the return, where we went through US Customs Pre-Clearance. When we booked the flights, we indicated that we'd need assistance. Our assistant (the guy from the airline who was pushing the chair, handling items, and generally helping us) was cleared/badged all the way through from the entrance lobby to the gate where you board the plane--he had access to accompany us through the entire process, including the immigration/customs lines.

Adding this as an anecdote in case it's helpful.
posted by gimonca at 8:33 AM on September 10, 2021 [2 favorites]

To clarify about the airport accessibility assistance, unless things have changed, the way it works is that they'll make your relative literally sit in the wheelchair regardless of whether or not she can walk, and often place her carry-on suitcase on her knees while she's on the wheelchair. It's ridiculous and (in my experience) unpleasant, but that's what it is.

She'll want to confirm her request for assistance at every possible stage, because while usually there's no problem, sometimes an airline will mess up and not have anyone to help you, and some airports are worse than others about finding you a solution on the fly. (Worse can mean just point-blank accusing you of faking disability so they don't have to help you. Not that I'm bitter.) If she's visibly disabled or older this should be less of a concern.

The most positive thing I have to say about the service is that they do accompany you throughout the entire departure/arrival process, including the baggage carousel. Sometimes they'll also get you through lines much faster.

There's an expectation that she'll tip the assistant, so if possible she should be prepared with local currency.
posted by trig at 10:28 AM on September 10, 2021

You don't actually pick up your luggage until you've gone through what can be a painful queue for immigration. There are carts available in the luggage area tho you might need a credit card of some USD to get one ( I just don't recall). The movement from luggage pick up through customs to arrivals where you will meet them is generally painless and hopefully quick.

I can't guarantee it but I don't think you'll be hard-pressed to ask someone for a hand pulling stuff off the conveyor.
posted by JPD at 4:05 PM on September 10, 2021

Consider pre-shipping it using DHL, etc or even the airline's shipping service

A friend of mine who (in the BC - before-Covid times) went camping overseas would ship her camping gear ahead as things like camp stoves, tent pegs etc can be *ahem* problematic - more to the point, if it did not arrive, she was able to chase up the shipping issue with the information at hand
posted by Barbara Spitzer at 12:22 AM on September 11, 2021

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