Help retrieving missing project in Adobe Premiere Rush
June 29, 2021 7:09 AM   Subscribe

I received a message while in Adobe Premiere Rush to exit the app, since my project 'hadn't saved in a while.' I listened to the program, and now I can't get back into my project.

It appears I have the exact same issue as this person, though there's no solution.

Every time I try to click on my project's thumbnail on the main screen, the screen just blinks like it's thinking/trying, but nothing happens. I don't get an error message or a blue circle or anything. I can't duplicate it -- the same thing happens. If I click on another project, it opens with no issues.

Any ideas or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

- It's not backed up to the Cloud, unfortunately.
- I can't contact Adobe directly, since it's an enterprise program version through my husband's work.
- I tried downloading Premiere Pro and using the 'open a Rush project' there -- same thing happens. Blinks, and then nothing.
- I made a copy of the Common folder and a few others before I tried using "Creative Cloud Cleaner" or something along those lines ... it didn't work
- I was working on PC, but also have a Mac I could try to install Rush on and upload saved files
posted by knownassociate to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I only use Premiere Pro so maybe this is not applicable to Rush, but something I try when opening difficult projects is opening a new blank project then importing sequences/project from the problematic one.
posted by monologish at 10:11 AM on June 29, 2021

Response by poster: @monologish, could you explain how to import an already-edited sequence into a new blank project?
posted by knownassociate at 7:18 AM on June 30, 2021

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