Chicago bars for me and my laptop on Saturday nights
January 6, 2020 8:00 PM   Subscribe

A laptop at a bar is fine most places on non-summer weeknights, but on Saturday nights the vibe often changes: it's louder and more crowded, and I feel awkward and distracted. Examples: Green Street Meats, CH distillery. Can you recommend Chicago-area bars I can bring my laptop to on a Saturday night and have it be socially acceptable?

FWIW, I buy stuff and I tip well.

I'll cast a wide net for any recommendations from hotel bars to local watering hole places with 2 taps, but bonus for: not super loud, has wifi, is more "cozy" than bright/harsh. I'm often in the loop, west loop, evanston, wrigleyville, and andersonville areas but am stoked to try anywhere easily accessible via transit.
posted by nicodine to Food & Drink (4 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Not a bar, but I love this place: Julius Meinl near Wrigleyville. May work for you depending on your preferences. I have worked and watched movies on my laptop at various times.
posted by VyanSelei at 11:20 PM on January 6, 2020

I'm not a regular, but I think I've noticed people camped out with laptops at the Map Room on Saturdays. Never checked for WiFi.
posted by pullayup at 7:40 AM on January 7, 2020

I regularly have my laptop at Gio’s, at least until karaoke starts at 10.
posted by goodbyewaffles at 9:26 AM on January 7, 2020

Response by poster: Thanks everyone!
posted by nicodine at 10:07 AM on February 21, 2020

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