Christmas Miracle, Junior Size... Find me that song please
December 22, 2019 6:18 PM   Subscribe

I heard a terrific version of O Come O Come Emanuel by what I want to say was a womens (trio?) from the Seattle area - I think there name might have been Wednesdays Child or Saturdays Child, something along those lines. Heard it maybe 5-7 years ago. Anyone have a thought?
posted by jcworth to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
I don't know if you want to listen to 100 versions, but maybe you will recognize the band on this Spotify list? Looks like if you actually have Spotify there are 100 versions on this list.

I also found this list with some beautiful versions of my least favorite Advent song...
posted by lemonade at 11:30 PM on December 22, 2019

Ginny Reilly of Reilly and Maloney did an excellent version of that song.
posted by jamjam at 12:26 AM on December 23, 2019

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