kindle dictionaries help
October 12, 2019 5:35 PM   Subscribe

I'm reading a novel on my Kindle 4 and it's in English but has a lot of French phrases that I want to look up.

I downloaded and installed a French-English dictionary for the Kindle but it doesn't load for this book (i.e. it doesn't show up when I try to look up a word) because the book is in some way categorized as "English" and the dictionary is categorized as "French." (Kindle thinks I would only want to use this dictionary if I were reading a work in French, I guess.)

I tried changing the dictionary's metadata to "English" in Calibre and re-installing it on my Kindle, but Kindle still sees it as a French dictionary. What else can I do? Ideally I would like to be able to use both an English AND French-English dictionary for this book.
posted by needs more cowbell to Technology (2 answers total)
Response by poster: (If I change the BOOK's metadata to "French," the French-English dictionary will show up for words there, but I'd rather find a solution that will allow me to use both dictionaries for one work, and I'm not sure why changing the dictionary's metadata doesn't work.)
posted by needs more cowbell at 5:47 PM on October 12, 2019

I have a later generation kindle, but it doesn’t restrict me in terms of language of dictionary. I do need to change which dictionary I want though. In my case, there’s a line at the bottom with the current dictionary “Oxford Dictionary of English” and if I touch that I can select from all the loaded dictionaries. Including French-English, German-English, Irish-English, French-French, etc.
posted by scorbet at 7:39 AM on October 13, 2019 [1 favorite]

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