Do rental company Jeep's have lockable storage?
March 6, 2006 11:35 AM   Subscribe

I'm going to Hilo and Kona, Hawaii in a few weeks and will be renting a car. I'd like to rent a Jeep, but wonder about lockable storage. My second option would be a standard convertible. Anyone rent a Jeep? What did you do about lockable storage? Any other tips for rental a car on the Big Island? We are flying in and out of Hilo.
posted by mhm to Travel & Transportation (6 answers total)
I have used an Action Packer, a piece of chain and a pair of padlocks to secure stuff in a pickup box. I wouldn't trust a $6000 dollar camera kit to the box but it's at least as secure as something locked inside a car. You can even check it at the airport.
posted by Mitheral at 12:13 PM on March 6, 2006

mhm, you don't have an email listed in your profile, so I'll post this off-topic query here, and hope for indulgent admins: As I've mentioned before, we're going to Hilo and Kona (among other sites) this summer, so do let me know of any cool highlights, any can't-miss luaus, any must-do snorkeling trips, etc. Thanks!
posted by MrMoonPie at 1:05 PM on March 6, 2006

I rented a Jeep in Hawaii and was delighted to discover it had a lockable trunk despite being a convertible. IIRC, you shut the tailgate and it sort of seals the truck compartment in. Maybe a Jeep owner can confirm this? As Mitheral said, probably shouldn't leave expensive gear in there, but that goes for any vehicle really.
posted by BorgLove at 1:36 PM on March 6, 2006

I rented a jeep with my brother when my family went to two of the islands about 10 years ago. Jeeps are the only way to go if you want to get all the way around any of the islands. Personally I wouldn't leave ANYTHING in a rented vehivle in Hawaii. They far too easy to pick out, and after recently working with someone who grew up on the big island, I've learned that you want to do everything you can to not attract attention from the locals if you're visiting and caucasian.

It's a great place, just respect that you're visiting and some of those beaches which look deserted and out of the way are not the best places to go for an afternoon dip.

Most of the major car rental places would not rent us anything but a sedan, and those come with major warnings not to take them off paved roads and/or around the far side of the islands. We had to look up a smaller jeep rental company, but it was well worth it. Back roads, even 'Highways' can be in horrible condition, more boulder than pebble covered. Personally I'd take a minimum of gear with me while driving, maybe a backpack's worth, and never leave it in the jeep.
posted by efalk at 3:44 PM on March 6, 2006

I rented a Jeep in Hawaii and was delighted to discover it had a lockable trunk despite being a convertible. IIRC, you shut the tailgate and it sort of seals the truck compartment in. Maybe a Jeep owner can confirm this?

I own a jeep wrangler and the tailgate closing trunk is the most common answer to this problem, and also pretty secure. The box in between the front seats also locks, but could be opened in seconds.

The tailgate trunk (don't know the official name) is an add on. A standard jeep doesn't come with it. It seems any rentals would have it added on, but you might want to call and check.
posted by justgary at 8:25 PM on March 6, 2006

Also, it's pretty small. We're not talking car trunk size.
posted by justgary at 8:25 PM on March 6, 2006

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