Artist Resume When I'm Not An Artist
May 29, 2019 1:15 PM   Subscribe

I am entering an art contest for an event in my community, and the call for entries asks for "a brief resume and letter of interest that includes information about your connection to [town name]." I am not a professional or established artist (this is my first time entering a contest since I was in elementary school), so I don't know what I should submit as a "resume." Any idea what they might be looking for? More info below...

Do I submit a brief biographical resume - with my current job and hobbies?

As for the LOI - I can easily make my connection to our town (I live here and always attend the event in question) - but what else is typically included in an LOI? I Googled this, but the results seem to be for much higher stakes competitions. An explanation of how my design fits the theme? This is a commemorative plate design competition, btw.

Any guidance is appreciated!
posted by GoldenEel to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
For artists, it usually includes your education, especially if you went to art school. It would also include any art-related jobs you may have held (teacher, for instance) or any art/creative related community project you had a hand in. It would also include any gallery shows you were part of.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with simply stating you’re a beginning artist, and then go on to explain why you’re trying your hand at creating. Definitely incude the part about your connection to the town, as that sounds like that’s the theme of the show.

Your art will be judged based on its appeal, not on your resume. Generally speaking, the resume is mostly for information materials.
posted by Thorzdad at 2:34 PM on May 29, 2019 [3 favorites]

Best answer: In my experience with this sort of thing, if you don't really have direct related experience it's best to kind of lean into your "amateur" status, as well as your connection to the community.

So in this case it might look like, "GoldenEel is a graduate of Widget University and settled here in LocalTown to establish themselves as a professional Wiginometer. But whenever GoldenEel is able to get some time away from widgits, they've made a point of pursuing their lifelong passion for commemorative plates. Their entry to this competition marries their passion for plate design with their affection for Event, which has always been a highlight of their time here in LocalTown."

I mean obviously this example is very silly, but you get the general idea.

As for the resume, I wouldn't worry about it too much? If you've taken any classes in design, maybe mention those.
posted by Narrative Priorities at 2:36 PM on May 29, 2019 [13 favorites]

Unless the resume is somehow a prerequisite for entering or part of the scoring, why not just submit whatever resume you currently have?

Or a resume with the standard heading, but where the experience would be "No Experience" in giant letters.
posted by jander03 at 2:19 PM on May 30, 2019

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