Sci-fi clothing for the real world?
February 19, 2019 4:39 AM   Subscribe

I am watching Star Trek: Discovery and: those are some fine-looking uniforms! Such a pretty blue, nice high collar, sparkly bits, unisex. I’ve been thinking how cool it would be if I could wear something kind of like a Star Fleet uniform? And yet, not look like I’m cosplaying, or in pajamas.

Also, lots of other fashion in sci-fi really looks cool.
For example, most Star Wars clothing: anything most everyone wears, unless it’s Leia’s bikini or anything on Queen Amidala.
Katniss’s knitted vest thing, anything else she wears casually that is not a dress. Mostly the men’s clothing in the old/new Blade Runner.

Can you point me to any brands/items that are reminiscent of any of these?
Men’s or women’s clothing OK. Preferably things that not too feminine and at least kind of feasible for everyday wear. No strong preferences on price, shipping, materials. I'm interested in buying something but also interested in window shopping to see what's out there.

Make it so! Earl Grey, hot! (I know, wrong one, but also right one, because TNG uniforms are nice too)(Except 1st season Counselor Troi)
posted by sacchan to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (12 answers total) 47 users marked this as a favorite
Her Universe might be what you are looking for?
posted by Faintdreams at 5:52 AM on February 19, 2019 [3 favorites]

Also think have an array of clothing items, some more subtle than others. Dresses and cardigans subcategory might interest you.
posted by Faintdreams at 6:03 AM on February 19, 2019

Best answer: You may have almost made me impulse-buy one of these TNG-style denim jackets from Volante.

I still may.
posted by Tomorrowful at 6:17 AM on February 19, 2019 [4 favorites]

Elhoffer Design might have some pieces that hit what you’re looking for. They make fandom inspired clothing that is beautiful and functional.
posted by wsquared at 6:42 AM on February 19, 2019

Best answer: If you sew, I made this jacket and love the sci-fi vibes it gives off.
posted by source.decay at 6:43 AM on February 19, 2019 [1 favorite]

Best answer: These are a bit more "edgy fashion" and less "directly inspired by your fav SciFi show", but maybe some of these are what you're looking for:

This etsy shop: ZOLNAR found in this reddit thread
Rick Owens fashion and accessories
Allsaints (This is my dream sweater)
Maybe Eileen Fisher soft/drapey basics if paired with some edgier pieces
marcellamoda etsy shop
Linenfox etsy shop
Maybe some pieces from the PappusStore etsy shop

Various reddit inspo albums:
UFO corporate
Prep ninja
Desert inspo
Goth ninja

More "high fashion" from this pinterest user who has a number of different boards: Dark Sci-fi / Fantasy Style

r/femalefashionadvice is pretty great for this kind of thing (esp for finding more androgynous options) if you're not already subscribed.
posted by Oliva Porphyria at 7:11 AM on February 19, 2019 [11 favorites]

Best answer: For fashion with a futuristic feel that aren't directly fandom-related, maybe look at Universal Standard or the Art of Style. I have one very nice tshirt from U.S., but the other I just found googling things like normcore and modern styling.
posted by past unusual at 7:12 AM on February 19, 2019 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Ministry of Supply
posted by crush at 7:47 AM on February 19, 2019

dustrial is a personal favorite
posted by sacrifix at 9:22 AM on February 19, 2019

Best answer: I often recognize Lululemon clothes in scifi movies. Especially the “swiftly” tops/ fabric. Some of it really doesn’t work for the vibe you’re describing, but a lot of it does.
posted by sometamegazelle at 10:30 AM on February 19, 2019 [2 favorites]

Best answer: You might get some inspiration from: Transcending the Workwear Genre - TOKYO FASHION EXPRESS - NHK World. It's about workware/uniforms and the fashion world taking notice and making them a bit fashionable.
posted by zengargoyle at 12:20 PM on February 19, 2019

Response by poster: Thank you! You are all amazing. I am best answering the ones that I want to investigate further, but they’re all best answers!!
posted by sacchan at 5:12 AM on February 20, 2019

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