Assemble list of links from page
February 19, 2006 12:40 PM   Subscribe

I would like to take a web page and assemble a list of every single URL that that page links to. What is the easiest way to do this?

I could, of course, just do a lot of right click/copy link location/paste over and over, but I am praying that someone here will have an alternative method.
posted by apple scruff to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
Best answer: Using Firefox, right click, 'View Page Info', select 'Links' tab, CTRL-A (on windows, a.k.a 'select all'). Copy, Paste, ta-da!
posted by SpookyFish at 12:51 PM on February 19, 2006

Response by poster: Well I'll be damned! About as easy as it gets. Thanks!
posted by apple scruff at 12:57 PM on February 19, 2006

save a copy of the page and open it with notepad. add the following to the end and then open it with your browser (i only tested this with firefox) and click "grab".

<button onclick="
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var i;
var linkList = document.getElementById('linkList');
linkList.value = linkList.value + links[i].href + String.fromCharCode(10)

<textarea id="linkList" style="width:400px;height:200px;"> </textarea>
posted by Tryptophan-5ht at 12:58 PM on February 19, 2006

DAMN. my way was lots harder.
posted by Tryptophan-5ht at 12:59 PM on February 19, 2006

Using Opera, Ctrl+J to open a tab listing all the linked content, Press Tab key once or use mouse to focus on list (focus starts in the search box by default), Ctrl+A, Copy and Paste.
posted by Pryde at 1:51 PM on February 19, 2006

you can also view source and then scrape away the html headers with a program or manually in MS word
posted by Izzmeister at 2:54 PM on February 19, 2006

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