Nail care for the hopeless
December 4, 2018 8:22 AM   Subscribe

I have horrible-looking nails and I'd like to change that, but there are some complications.

I'm a woman who has always had short nails (inveterate nail-biter for my entire life, plus I hate the feeling of longer nails). But I'm sick of having the fingers of a little kid who hasn't gotten over the biting stage, and I'd like to look a little more professional. I've managed to curb the biting habit a bit, and I'm trying to get my nails to a point where I'm not ashamed of them - still on the shorter side, but nice-looking.

The problem is that I've got psoriasis on my hands and fingers, and apparently that's affected my nails as well. In some places they're normal, and in some places they're weak and...crumbly? Some fingers look okay, and in some there's some thickening where the nail it attached to the bed. I've gotten them long enough that I'm trying to shape them a bit with a file, but the edges of the nail seem to shred under the file and them I have to clip them back.

I'm experimenting with some clear polish, but I don't really know what I'm doing. Please help me care for my nails! Is there something I can do to offset the effects of the psoriasis and have some decent-looking fingernails?

(Note: I've never had a manicure, and I don't think that's an option for me. I'm aware that my hands aren't nice looking, and I wouldn't ask someone to touch them for a voluntary hand-focused aesthetic treatment. So I'd like to stick to things I can do myself.)
posted by Salieri to Health & Fitness (9 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Even though you are clear that you don't want to do a manicure, getting one done as a starting base might be worthwhile. Just maintaining that is way easier than doing it yourself from scratch.
The manicurist is being paid of course and she has seen worse. Give her a bigger tip if you feel guilty. Manicures cost anywhere from $12-35.

I personally now do powder dip nails (although in the past I did gel and acrylic) and it puts a protein on top of your nails and it looks really good for weeks. Gel and acrylic will destroy the nail underneath.
posted by k8t at 8:27 AM on December 4, 2018 [5 favorites]

I have weak nails and discovered 2.5 things. 1. Lotion your hands, specifically around the nails and nail bed. Use anything that won't irritate your psoriasis. That thing they sell as cuticle oil? Get some of that or even chapstick or a couple drops of olive oil and keep the nail bed moisturized. 2. Do not use those paper cardboard nail files. For weak nails they just shred the nail and I just use a small nail clipper and gently shape as I cut or (2.5) use a glass nail file. They are very gentle if you get the finest grit. And be sure to wash after cutting/filing and MOISTURIZE the nails.
posted by tipsyBumblebee at 8:44 AM on December 4, 2018 [2 favorites]

Water-based nail polish helped my nails. You can also get clear nail polish designed to strengthen nails, although those are heavily YMMV.

Could your lotions or whatever you're using for skincare be impacting the nails? Any medications that could cause nail weakness?

I wonder if your nails aren't getting the nourishment they need. Have you gotten your vitamin levels checked? Have you talked to a nutritionist? Nails can be an early warning system for hidden conditions, just like hair.

Filing never worked well for me, and there's no need to. Clip carefully so the nail doesn't have rough edges sticking out and you don't need to file.
posted by Ahniya at 8:45 AM on December 4, 2018

Have you talked to your doctor? There are treatments available for nail psoriasis. The link also has information on maintaining your nails as they heal.
posted by bunderful at 8:46 AM on December 4, 2018 [6 favorites]

This stuff is amazing and you could do worse than getting some and applying it as instructed on the package. Also, beautiful nails have a lot to do with nicely moisturised skin and specifically cuticles. So if you can focus on that you have a basis. Everything else is largely down to preference. If filing doesn’t work for you at the moment you can focus on keeping things neat by clipping. You may also find it helpful to get something like this. The idea is not to actually trim your cuticles but the right tools are much more effective at removing any loose bits of skins. The key is not to have anything less than smooth to play with or want to bite off.
posted by koahiatamadl at 8:50 AM on December 4, 2018 [2 favorites]

I have nails that split and peel and have had success with Nailtiques -- I use Formula 2 Plus, "For Excessive, Problem Nails." I've been able to find this easily in drugstores. Good luck!
posted by kittydelsol at 11:36 AM on December 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

My nails are thin and brittle, too. When I remember to take it, Biotin has been great for reducing the splitting (I think it makes my hair grow faster, too). I also trim my nails very short with a nail clipper and I find that polishing them (bright red!), contrary to what you might think, helps fill in the weird ridges and makes my raggedy cuticles less apparent. It also keeps me from chewing on my cuticles, which is my bad habit.
posted by sarajane at 1:01 PM on December 4, 2018

Saliva is part of your digestive system, it has enzymes that break down your skin and nails! Which can obviously weaken the nails and irritate and inflame the skin (and cause it to peel). Do what you can to stop exposing your nails and fingers to saliva.

To that end, second what was described above - cuticle cream on-hand at all times, ditto clippers for nails and hangnails, heavy emollient at night - could use Vaseline, too, if it’s ok with the psoriasis. (Some people wear cotton gloves over that - I couldn’t, gives me creepy-feels.) This will keep hangy or stringy bits in check so you feel less like “tidying” things up via biting.

Lots of support, tips, and inspiration at r/calmhands.
posted by cotton dress sock at 7:23 PM on December 4, 2018 [2 favorites]

I agree with kittydelsol, Nailtiques is great. It takes a month for results to really show, but this stuff works, Formula 2.
posted by chocolatetiara at 8:38 AM on December 5, 2018 [1 favorite]

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