Holiday Recruiter Job info Etiquette
November 21, 2018 10:46 AM   Subscribe

Hi, AskMe. As per this previous question, I'm being considered for a role at a managed service company. I had a panel interview Wednesday, which I apparently passed with flying colors, at least according to the recruiter. I was told to expect feedback from the client's senior management by early next week. Is it horrible etiquette to follow up at this point in hopes of a definite answer before the holiday?

I wrote a thank you note a couple days after the interview, and at that point they mentioned the "early next week," deadline. I have heard nothing from anybody since, and the anxiety is causing me a bit of stress. I just want to know one way or another at this point, but wasn't sure if I should wait until Monday or so just because of the Thanksgiving holiday?

In retrospect, I wish I'd asked for more info about next steps at the interview. I didn't know I'd be passed off to the client's senior management, whatever that means. This is actually my first "in-person," interview, so the anxiety is a bit compounded by uncertainty.

Thanks for any thoughts :)
posted by Alensin to Work & Money (9 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Don't do it. While it's natural to feel anxiety at this point, following up so soon after your thank-you note will come across as unprofessional. Work on the anxiety instead, because that's the real problem - what do you do when something else is making you anxious? What are your go-to self-cares?
posted by Mogur at 10:49 AM on November 21, 2018 [10 favorites]

Relax, I know that is hard but it is the holidays. Decision makers are off. I was in the same position with several contracts and they all came in today. My guess is that holiday travel is over and people are opening laptops after they settled in.
posted by geoff. at 10:50 AM on November 21, 2018 [2 favorites]

Hiring takes longer than anyone thinks - even the people doing the hiring. The decision makers are probably out of the office and people have other things going on and hiring takes a back seat. The absolute earliest you should reach out is next Wednesday (a week after the latest they said they will contact you). If they want to hire you, I promise they are not going to forget to tell you.

I know it's hard and it sucks, but do what you can to push it out of your mind and let hearing from them be a pleasant surprise instead of something you're anticipating.
posted by brainmouse at 10:52 AM on November 21, 2018 [3 favorites]

Best answer: I work in HR, this is standard stuff, don't sweat it. Seconding that there's absolutely nothing you can do to rush the process, worrying doesn't accomplish a thing so try to let it go and enjoy life.
posted by miaou at 10:54 AM on November 21, 2018

Anybody senior enough to decide is probably out of the office till Monday. Sorry, you have just wait, hard as it is!
posted by john_snow at 11:11 AM on November 21, 2018 [2 favorites]

Is it horrible etiquette to follow up at this point in hopes of a definite answer before the holiday?

Yes. Lots of people are traveling or out of the office this week because of the holiday, and these absences are almost certainly causing the delay here. Following up at this point is rude and would not make me excited to work with you. Wait until midday Monday.
posted by schroedingersgirl at 11:13 AM on November 21, 2018 [1 favorite]

Yes, definitely wait! Hiring is a slow process anyway, and the holidays could easily push everything back a week or so. I wouldn't reach out to them again until Wednesday of next week. Try to put it out of your mind and enjoy your holiday in the meantime. Good luck!
posted by aka burlap at 11:23 AM on November 21, 2018

In case you need more confirmation: I’ll go a step further and say this is too early even if there were no holiday. Hiring takes a while, depends on the schedules and decisions of multiple parties, and nudging for a response makes zero difference in how long the process takes— and you risk annoying them.

They’re going to notify you when they have information, so there’s nothing they could say right now that would make you feel any better anyway.

Would it help to pretend you didn’t get it and go about your life? Then it’s a nice surprise if you do get it. I know, negative thoughts are not done these days but it’s a little trick I use to help me get perspective when I anxiosuly want something.
posted by kapers at 12:06 PM on November 21, 2018 [3 favorites]

Worth restating: if they want to hire you, they will tell you the instant they are able to move to the next step. If they don’t want to hire you, it doesn’t matter. Nagging a potential employer will never help you get the job.
posted by seanmpuckett at 12:37 PM on November 21, 2018 [3 favorites]

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