Looking for a user friendly/editable digital "badge" maker
February 20, 2018 10:39 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a Wordpress plug in or other service that will allow me to create a templated image frame that users can then upload a photo to and edit text layers on. Example 1: User would be able to upload photo, that would be masked behind the top layer/frame, and be able to edit where his name and title is. In both cases, there would be a bottom layer as well, so if the photo was smaller than the frame it wouldn't just be white space.

Example 2: The logo in center would be a .png or .jpg uploaded by the user, and they would have the ability to edit where it reads "exhibitor" in top left to something else that would fit.

We currently do these in house, individually, but its a time consuming process that would be great to source out or allow people to make their own... ideas appreciated!
posted by Unsomnambulist to Technology (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: The canonical answer for this would be ImageMagick. But that's really just the underlying image-processing software, which can do all sorts of things—composing visual elements is just one. You'll need something in between your form input and ImageMagic to tell it "put this bit of text here, with this font." This would not be a particularly difficult problem to solve, and if you've got anyone in house who's moderately comfortable with PHP, they could probably do it. Otherwise, hire it out. It probably wouldn't be a very expensive contract, and would probably pay for itself with time saved.
posted by adamrice at 9:26 AM on February 21, 2018

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