French person looking for options to practice conversational English
January 5, 2018 1:34 AM   Subscribe

I need to practice conversational English and improve my pronunciation. I’m French and deaf, English is not my mother tongue and pronouncing properly can be a challenge (but my French peers understand me pretty well and I have no pronunciation problems in French). In addition, I am not super confident when talking which doesn’t help with clarity. I would like to find someone I can have a (bi) weekly conversation with, who is not afraid to correct me on my pronunciation and syntax.

It could be via Skype or IRL. Caveat is I can’t do this in a group (just too much noise, it’s too difficult to follow) and it has to be in a super calm environment (not in a busy café).

I know there are online services and apps but I need a real human who gives me feedback. Listening to a word and trying to repeat it without being able to lip-read isn’t helpful for me.

Do you have suggestions of services / people who would be happy to chat with me and suggest me pronunciation corrections?

Oh, also, I live in Paris, France and my budget is 40 euros max per hour.

Thank you in advance!
posted by Ifite to Education (4 answers total)
What part of Paris? I'm here, the west (I go through La Défense), center and out near Montrouge (where I work occasionally) are easiest for me. Feel free to send a MeMail.

My paternal grandfather was deaf, had hearing aids (this was the 1980s and 90s so they only helped a bit; he relied a lot on lip-reading) and he taught me how to speak Norwegian.

My pronunciation will be "standard" American but pretty much everyone (from around the world) remarks on how clear my English is.
posted by fraula at 2:36 AM on January 5, 2018 [5 favorites]

you can find language partners and teachers on
posted by squishles at 9:33 AM on January 5, 2018 [1 favorite]

I don't have formal training in TESOL and have never taught pronunciation or taken a phonology course, but I have worked with non-native English speakers in the United States for the past ten years and would be glad to chat irregularly via Skype/Hangouts. Feel free to drop me a MeMail if you'd like!
posted by tapir-whorf at 10:37 AM on January 5, 2018 [1 favorite]

also happy to Skype if you memail me.
posted by kensington314 at 8:31 AM on January 6, 2018

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