Looking to buy a shortwave radio in Australia
January 28, 2006 5:09 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking to buy a decent shortwave radio in Australia.

I've been looking to pick up a fairly good shortwave radio (although not to the point of running huge aerials all over the roof).

I'd prefer not to buy internationally, however I can't seem to find a source for them in Australia after some searching, other than Ebay. I would much prefer to be able to chat to a salesperson about various models and see what I can get.

What should I look at in a shortwave radio? Are there any particular units to avoid? I'm a complete novice, so any explanations or informative links would be appreciated.

Any Australian enthusiasts care to share details on what's available, and which retail outlets have them? Bonus points for Melbourne based retailers.
posted by tomble to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: You may want to ask the good folks at the Australian Radio DX Club for tips on local buys and strong radios for your particular location. Not all radios are created equal, as you already know, so they should be able to provide you with informed advice on DXing from Australia. It looks like they have an entire linkswamp of their own that might serve you well.

If you're book-inclined, I also highly recommend the 2006 edition of the Passport to World Band Radio. It features comprehensive reviews of every current receiver you'd care to name, and a wealth of info on getting started; even if purchasing info is tailored to American DXers, the basic receiver and antenna overviews can't be beat.

Welcome to the hobby. Even in 2006, it's a rich and rewarding experience to be an SWL.
posted by mykescipark at 7:03 PM on January 28, 2006

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