Does this iPhone case exist?
October 12, 2017 1:50 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for an iPhone 8 case that includes a backup battery but also allows wireless charging, plus a built-in Lightning-to-headphone adapter while also allowing use of the Lightning port. Oh, and I want the Lightning port converted to micro USB. Does this exist? I know I'm asking for a lot. Some of it exists though!

When I bought my iPhone 6 in early 2014 I picked up a snappy ZeroLemon case that includes a built-in backup battery and a built-in adapter that converts Lightning to micro USB. It's been wonderful because I get a power boost when needed and never have to worry about Lightning cables.

However, now with the iPhone 8, I'd like to get another of these cases, but I'm concerned that the battery backup case would block the phone's ability to wirelessly charge because there's a big battery in the way. While I'm wishing for impossible things, I'm also interested in a case that has a built-in Lightning-to-headphone adapter which would put a headphone jack on the case. And then there's converting Lightning into micro USB.

Does my dream case exist? Or am I going to have to compromise and deal with what Apple says I should want?
posted by Servo5678 to Technology (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I don't think any battery cases exist that use wireless charging, sorry!

However, there are plenty that involve micro USB, and more with built in headphone adapters.

Here's one!
posted by bbqturtle at 6:56 AM on October 30, 2017 [1 favorite]

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