Experiences with removable wallpaper
August 9, 2017 12:34 PM   Subscribe

Recommendations for/against particular brands? Any tips for application? General experience?

I'm finding lots of design articles but little in the way of reviews of particular brands, and there are many. My two priorities are:
- Will stay up! It will be there at least 1.5 years. I'll be using it in a bathroom. (It does have a ventilation fan and window.)
- Will look good for those 1.5 years - no other types of problems like fading, cracking, bubbling, etc.
- Won't leave a weird residue on the walls when removed or otherwise fuck up the walls.

Other things I don't care as much about:
- Reusing it in another place.
- Finding something a little less expensive would be nice, but I wouldn't sacrifice quality for it.
- Cute designs seem to abound, so I'm sure I can find something once I identify some brands.

Also, any tips for application? Finally, any general experiences (like OMG no stay away or OMG I loved using this)? Thanks!
posted by unannihilated to Home & Garden (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I'd worry that anything you put up in a bathroom is going to peel due to heat/humidity.
posted by radioamy at 4:22 PM on August 9, 2017

Your mileage regarding wallpaper use, life, etc depends a lot on how thick the paper is. Sometimes the cheap thin ones hold up better over time, especially in damp environments. That said, cheap may be harder to remove and require more time spent making the walls look presentable after removal than a higher-quality paper might.

I have never heard of any wallpaper being reusable since the product I am thinking of, whether cheap or expensive, always got destroyed by ripping, etc when taken down.

Source: parent who loved wallpaper and replaced it every few years.
posted by Crystal Fox at 5:40 PM on August 9, 2017

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