Help me remember a few sets of edutainment games from my childhood!
October 17, 2016 4:24 PM   Subscribe

When I was younger I remember playing a Win 3.1 game that either was a collection of four separate games or were four separate games distributed together. I don't recall very many details of gameplay at all, but I'll share what I remember in the extended explanation.

The first game(s): These were definitely edutainment and distributed in a connected way in some capacity. They may have been intended to teach different topics. I remember multiple of the games in the collection had a grid on the left side with information on the right, and another game in the collection had you exploring a series of rooms clicking with your mouse and answering trivia questions. I distinctly remember a question about "Of Mice and Men" but have no recollection of the context. These games were probably on floppies.

The second game(s): These were distributed on CD for Windows 95 by a mail-order company. The one game I remember involved navigating levels with an African theme and collecting letters of a word in order; it had 100 levels.

I realize these are super vague, but any leads would be helpful - I'm operating off what's now at least a decade of remove from any of these.
posted by LSK to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Is the first Encarta MindMaze?
posted by asockpuppet at 4:28 PM on October 17, 2016 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: It's not - I definitely remember that game as part of my childhood but I recall Encarta having randomized questions.
posted by LSK at 4:31 PM on October 17, 2016

Response by poster: After performing some research, I think I've mixed a few things up. The mail-order company was Ohio Distinctive Software, which did indeed make execrable edutainment that I played as a kid. However, that is not the company that made the word-letter-collection game that I recall, and that game was definitely part of some multi-pack for 95.
posted by LSK at 5:10 PM on October 17, 2016

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