Bookfilter - Moving < Transport < Logistics books
July 18, 2016 3:56 AM   Subscribe

Hello Hive Mind - I'm looking for handbooks and histories on the topic of moving & transport. Can you please help me? Details inside.

My family has a small moving/transporting business. I've decided to up my game and be the best educated mover our customers encounter. This means that I'd love to know more about the history of my craft. That may be way too specific for a popular book (i haven't encountered any so far) but I've only searched for this in English and Hungarian - perhaps people here know about the one, definitive Handbuch in German or in any other European language.

Moving in the modern sense is not a really old craft as before the 19th century average people didn't really have much stuff they needed to pack when they moved (furniture...) and wealthy people - who had lots of stuff - had dedicated servants. But since then, moving physical things around became a profession - with loads of variations. For example I hear that in the Netherlands it's customary to lift big furniture with dedicated pulleys at the top of houses, as the stairwell is way to narrow for cupboards to be moved to the top floor. A friend told me that he saw movers in Italy use a little, truck mounted lifting platform to hurdle the heavy stuff up (again, aiming for the windows) instead of taking to the stairs. Perhaps these different methods are documented somewhere at least a country by country basis?

I'm asking this because I recall once I read a document detailing all the professions in the US. It was I think aimed at high school students who has to choose a career and in that booklet they got an overview of the job market by profession. In that book there was an entry for moving, with a little description on how moving is done in the states. Needless to say that's also pretty different how we do things here.

And hey, here's a guy from Moscow, carrying a wardrobe with the same type of knotting we use - on a slightly different "truck". What are the techniques used for packing, packaging, knotting&fastening, lifting, scheduling and organizing when moving physical stuff around?

In addition to moving in the strict sense, I'm also interested in transport (land < water < air < space?) in general (histories and handbooks) and also in logistics in the organizing and planning sense. (For example Levinson's The Box is a book I have in mind, detailing one specific innovation in shipping. Are there any similar?)

I'm looking primarily for books and documents in English, German, Russian but open for documents in any other language - they can contain fragments and content (think of the picture linked above) that could be really helpful later on.
posted by kmt to Education (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Have you searched on There seems to be a wealth of stuff there.
posted by Altomentis at 3:28 PM on July 18, 2016

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