Outlook 2010 command line switch ignored?
February 7, 2016 3:44 PM   Subscribe

Outlook 2010 command line switch doesn't seem to be working?

After a hard drive crash, I've had to move to a new laptop. I'm using Outlook 2010, same as on the old PC. However, on the old one, when I had multiple email windows open, I could close Outlook, and re-open it with a command line switch [outlook.exe /restore], and all of the closed emails would open right back up, so nothing was lost. MS's support info describes this as working on an abnormal shutdown, but it worked just fine on a regular one.

Now, however, if I use the same /restore switch, only the main Outlook window opens - the prior open mail windows are lost. Is there some option that I need to set in order to make this work correctly again? As far as can I can tell, I've got the exact version of Outlook (and Win7) as on my prior PC.
posted by Chrysostom to Technology (1 answer total)
Response by poster: FWIW, I've seen a few places on line assert that I should be able to have windows restored without the command line - just exit and re-start. That's not working, either.
posted by Chrysostom at 12:06 PM on February 8, 2016

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