On the platform at TF'Green, tired not_on_display waits, dreaming...
February 3, 2016 11:02 PM   Subscribe

I'm landing at TF Green (PVD) on a Saturday at 9AM. I'd assumed the MBTA Commuter Rail would run from TF Green to Providence ... turns out, yeah, but not on Saturdays! So, what's the next best/cheapest way for someone fresh off the red-eye on a Saturday morning to get from TF Green to Providence Station? Thanks! (Also, my condolences about your Mayor-for-life's term limit being up.)
posted by not_on_display to Travel & Transportation around Providence, RI (4 answers total)
Depending on your timing, there are a few different RIPTA buses you could take (check Google maps for details). Alternatively, you could take an Uber/Lyft for ~$20.
posted by kylej at 11:28 PM on February 3, 2016 [1 favorite]

Hotel shuttle bus for one of the downtown hotels? Uber car (it's like maybe a 20-minute drive)? Zip Car?
posted by wenestvedt at 3:36 AM on February 4, 2016

Seconding the bus. You want to go to Kennedy Plaza. It's two or three blocks walk from there to the station.
posted by hoyland at 4:33 AM on February 4, 2016

Bonanza Bus (a.k.a. Peter Pan bus) runs clean, comfy coaches from T.F. Green to Downtown Providence (Kennedy Plaza -- about three or four blocks from the Amtrak/MBTA station), but I don't think they start until like 11AM: https://tds.peterpanbus.com
posted by wenestvedt at 12:16 PM on February 4, 2016

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