selling artwork
December 6, 2005 11:58 AM   Subscribe

Any suggestions on how to sell a framed serigraph by Eyvind Earle, that is worth a few thousand dollars?
posted by sugarwater to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
There seem to be a ton of such items on eBay.
posted by Thorzdad at 12:15 PM on December 6, 2005

Following on Thorzdad's posting, searching on eyvind earle serigraph on eBay gives 15 results, with the prices (bids, reserves, "buy it now") mostly between $1,000 and $2,500.

Given that level of activity, eBay is probably a reasonably good place to buy/sell such a serigraph.
posted by WestCoaster at 2:55 PM on December 6, 2005

Response by poster: I have been following the buying + selling of art on eBay for a short time. It appears that there are only a few items that ever really sell. I was hoping to find some other resources in addition to eBay.
posted by sugarwater at 7:04 PM on December 6, 2005

Well, there are some of these serigraphs for sale at (that the lowest offering price is $3,000 is because the site doesn't handle anything less expensive), which is a brokerage (intermediary).

Lots for sale at ; consignments at; has 36 in stock.

Those are among the top results for a google search on:

"eyvind earle" serigraph price

So it looks like there are a variety of places to either list your serigraph (including consignments) or sell it to a dealer (although you obviously wouldn't get top price by doing so), other than eBay.
posted by WestCoaster at 12:38 PM on December 7, 2005

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