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July 28, 2015 2:31 PM   Subscribe

How do I keep my cat off of my computer?

So my lovely cat likes to sit or curl up on top of my computer. I'm guessing she likes the air and warmth from the large fan on top of the case, and the fact that the wall and desk create a sort of nook, and that she's in easy reach to beg for scritchies.

This wouldn't be an issue, except for the fact that she's currently having digestive problems. So I just got done cleaning cat puke off the computer, and off my tablet that was lying on there because it was charging. The computer is fine (the brunt of it missed the fan opening, I opened it up and meticulously checked and nothing had gotten past the fan, which got a thorough clean), the tablet is fine (its case protected it), but I do not want to go through this again, so I need to keep her off my computer.

Any ideas? She is incredibly stubborn and nothing's worked to keep her off surfaces so far, not even spraying her with water (which makes me feel incredibly cruel so I'd rather avoid it, and it wouldn't work near electronics anyway).

Alternatively, how do I protect the top of my computer so air flow is maintained but any further accidents have a zero chance of damaging it?

(PS. I've checked on the digestive issues with a vet - according to him, the solution boils down to "have her eat more wet food than dry and have her drink plenty of water". Any ideas on that would be very welcome too, since she is being incredibly stubborn on that front as well. The best I've gotten her to do is give the wet food some disdainful licks, even if she hasn't eaten anything all day, and I'm running out of kinds of food to try. The water in her water bowl is changed daily, but she mostly seems to ignore that, too.)
posted by sailoreagle to Pets & Animals (19 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
No idea on the movement front, but does she like running water more than stationary? We have a cat fountain to encourage drinking in our household, and it seems to make drinking more appealing for our cat. Heating up wet food helps sometimes, too.
posted by sciatrix at 2:32 PM on July 28, 2015

This stuff is basically heavy-grade double sided tape. We put it on some no-cat furniture and it works great.
posted by H. Roark at 2:34 PM on July 28, 2015 [3 favorites]

we have a big, bulky power strip on top of our pc, making it not a good laying place. it works most of the time.

our cat hated so many wet cat foods. we finally got him to like 3 flavors of welness selects - chicken liver, turkey, and beef (all mixed with chicken) in shreds not chunks. these are grain free so introduce them slowly if your cat isn't already grain free. he has a diet that is probably 70/30 wet to dry and he very rarely drinks water. the wet food has all the water he needs.
posted by nadawi at 2:38 PM on July 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

Regarding the wet food - have you tried heating it up in the microwave for 15 seconds ish to warm the food up? It will smell stronger and hence more appealing to your lovely cat.
Some cats prefer wet food with gravy rather than the pate stuff.

No idea how to keep her off the computer... I've got one cat I already can't keep off the computer, the fridge, the kitchen counter. No vomiting issues with this one, but he did eat through our internet cable cord last Friday evening :(

I'm not telling you this for any reason other than to tell you, I feel your pain.
posted by JenThePro at 2:40 PM on July 28, 2015

I would recommend ducting the upwards facing fan backwards so that your cat can lie on the computer without anything being able to drop vertically through the fan. If digestive issues are really temporary, you might be able to get away with cutting something out of cardboard and taping it to the top of the computer.

Be near your computer for a while to make sure it doesn't overheat. I can't tell from the picture, but that is likely your power supply fan. Some temperature sensor reading programs may be able to tell you the temperature in various parts of your computer, include the power supply.
posted by Phredward at 2:42 PM on July 28, 2015

Give her an alternative spot-- a heating pad.
posted by acidic at 2:52 PM on July 28, 2015 [3 favorites]

1) Cat fountain

2) (under vet advice) remove dry food from her diet completely. Cats are obligate carnivores and have no business eating grains

3) A box for her to climb into, near the computer--or even on it, with the back wall clear of the fan
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 2:54 PM on July 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

We use SSScat, also on cats who don't respond to water or scolding or anything else. It's just canned air attached to a motion sensor, so that it "hisses" loudly when they move past it.
posted by cogitron at 2:55 PM on July 28, 2015

Find a cardboard box and put it next to the computer, preferably with a cozy towel in it. Cardboard boxes are cat traps.

For the water, yes wet food is best. Have you tried introducing it slowly while still giving her part of a serving of her familiar food next to it? But if she won't eat it then you need to get her to drink more. A fountain, as mentioned above is a great idea. But I will give two more suggestions.
First, don't put a cat's water next to its food. It is not natural for a cat to drink next to where it eats because, in the wild, that water will quickly become contaminated from their previous kills.
Second, try different containers (and it can't hurt to have multiple options stationed around the house). Our cats' favorites are the tall mason jar and the watering can. They definitely prefer to drink in a more upright position than leaning over.
posted by zyxwvut at 2:55 PM on July 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

OK, re the computer:

1. Close the door and turn off the computer when not in use.

2. When you are there, as soon as your cat jumps atop, gently remove her.

3. Instead, put her in a comfy bed near you so she can see what you are up to.

Be consistent about this and the computer perching will stop.

Re the food, transitioning is your friend. And keep her water clean and changed as you have been doing.

1. If she has eaten dry food whenever she liked, start transitioning to 3-4 set feedings a day instead. Call her to eat.

2. Start with more dry food than wet, gradually change those ratios so it is wet with a tiny bit, then no, dry.

3. Always gently heat the wet food -- a short visit to the microwave works -- so it smells tasty. Pay attention to what she likes . . . one of our cats was seafood/fish only for quite awhile.
posted by bearwife at 2:57 PM on July 28, 2015

Oh yeah, multiple sources for sure. My neighbour's cat disdains bowls of all sorts, he likes drinking from this tall vessel--I think it was originally a vase. (The other neighbour's cat, who wanders in and out, is the opposite). Cats also like their water cold, so ice cubes can help.
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 3:02 PM on July 28, 2015

Put something spiky on top of the computer, then buy a heated cat bed and put it on a milk crate or something, and nearby.

When I had cats, it took me over 10 years to realize how amazing the heated cat beds are. You can get one for around $30. Do not need a large one.
posted by jeff-o-matic at 3:10 PM on July 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

I'll nth the praise for heated cat beds. This one has always been very popular with our cats.
posted by bearwife at 3:43 PM on July 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

As far as the computer goes, something spiky like the already mentioned moving the power strip is the only thing I can think of.

For wet food? I started by sprinkling dry food on top of it, and then cutting back the amount I sprinkled. I also tried a lot of wet foods before I really hit pay dirt.
posted by wotsac at 4:25 PM on July 28, 2015

Thirding (or fourthing?) a box. Or a bowl, or whatever your cat seems to like to curl up in. S/he will go for that instead. No idea on the barfing though.
posted by chainsofreedom at 4:53 PM on July 28, 2015

Back in the day, I used to keep my cats off my desktop computer and CRT monitor by gluing little army men, the upright ones, around the top. It made it so they couldn't lie down on them without blocking the vents.

I guess you can't really do that with your computer, but if you can't keep it somewhere else, maybe you could do something similar with a removable adhesive like sticky tack.
posted by ernielundquist at 5:31 PM on July 28, 2015

I would put up a little shelf 2 or 3 inches above the computer with a little blankie or box on it for her to curl up on. Sitting there she is blocking airflow to your computer and probably getting cat hair in it. The small gap also will give you a place to charge your tablet.
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 7:40 PM on July 28, 2015

On wet cat food: I had a heck of a time transitioning my cat from dry food to wet food. It was a process that too me a few months. At first he didn't seem to recognize that the wet food was food. Now, that is all that he eats. On my vet's advice, I used the directions here.

These tips are on the sheet, but I want to emphasize them because I made these mistakes:
- Don't keep switching the wet food you give her or try to entice her with the more expensive/all meat brands. After it was all done, I donated at least $30 of canned food from this fiasco. Start with Friskies or another cheap brand and then make the switch later if you prefer to.
- FortiFlora, which you can get from Amazon or your vet, is amazing. I still use it when he isn't interested in food on hot days. Just a little sprinkle will do.

And, nthing cat fountains.
posted by pumpkinlatte at 5:58 AM on July 29, 2015

I set up an inbox for the cats next to my computer, which works well as a cat trap for Nefer. She also disdains most wet food--what worked to get her eating some was just offering it to her and the other cat every day. The other cat would usually eat it all, but eventually Nefer started eating it. She still doesn't eat as much of it as we'd like, and if the formula changes somehow, she stops eating it until she's been exposed to it long enough again, but it's better than her former diet of all carbs all day long. (She will cut you for a saltine cracker, but can take or leave tuna. I don't even know.)
posted by telophase at 12:27 PM on July 29, 2015

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