Bedazzle my advocacy resume, lexicon and (potential ) interview skills.
March 31, 2015 6:00 AM   Subscribe

Today a casual social chat on the phone with an acquaintance had her asking me what kind of work I was looking for. I had mentioned that I wanted to do advocacy work as I believed it was something I was very good at and would enjoy doing. She then asked me what kind of advocacy and I said I wasn't really focused on any one type but supporting the voices of marginalised people was something I was passionate about. I was really just chattering on... then she told me she'd like to see my resume. Oops.

I haven't officially been in the workforce for almost ten years and it turns out she's a professional policy advisor and thinks it's possible that she may be able to make some introductions.
So I've kind of spoken to her without really analysing what I was saying as it was a "Yeah, I can help at our mutual social event unless I get a job before hand". Now I guess I need to polish up my resume and talk about contemporary (Australian) advocacy models and how I'm going to be great at it.
What do people on the street consider advocacy to look like these days? (I only did one subject of it at uni.)
What are key words, concepts and movements I need to read up on?
What advice can anyone give to someone coming from a public health background and moving in to professional advocacy? (I've been doing serious community advocacy for a few years but the idea of doing it formally and for cash money kinda terrifies and thrills me.)

I think I prefer the idea of group advocacy or campaigning best and I'm incredibly (left) ideologically driven. Any related suggestions, advice, known pitfalls to help get me back in to the workforce after a long time off raising kids would be really appreciated.
posted by taff to Work & Money (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I would just google examples of resumes for the sector you're in. Maybe try googing for "non-profit" resumes. The thing is, even in advocacy work, there are all types of jobs. Some people work in development (fundraising), some people work in public policy, some work in communications or event planning. I don't think there's anything particularly special about advocacy as a whole. I think you need to focus on your experience and tailoring the resume to the sort of work you want to do within advocacy. I'm sure if you want to post your resume, people will give it a look and let you know what needs fixing.
posted by AppleTurnover at 4:08 PM on March 31, 2015

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