Looking for a song
March 9, 2015 1:27 PM   Subscribe

I listened to a song sometime in the last year that was titled "The (something), the (something) and the (something) (or something very close to this). One of those somethings was "Law" and pretty sure the other somethings were somehow related. It was a rock song, but I don't know when it was released, but seemed < 15 years old. Ring any bells?
posted by disaster77 to Media & Arts (7 answers total)
Could be "Lawyers, Guns & Money"
posted by sallybrown at 1:36 PM on March 9, 2015

The Lion The Beast The Beat?
posted by Sassyfras at 1:36 PM on March 9, 2015

Response by poster: None of those yet. But some other details that may be helpful:
male vocals, definitely not a mainstream artist and I listened to it on Google Play.
posted by disaster77 at 1:50 PM on March 9, 2015

Best answer: The Suits, the Law and the Uniform by Graveyard? Note that it's Uniform, not Universe as the video says.
posted by the webmistress at 2:15 PM on March 9, 2015 [1 favorite]

The Beast and Dragon, Adored by Spoon? Male vocals, indie artist, and "adored" is sung in such a way that I can totally see mis-hearing "law".
posted by rhiannonstone at 3:00 PM on March 9, 2015

Response by poster: Thanks, the webmistress, that is it!
posted by disaster77 at 3:54 PM on March 9, 2015

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