Looking for a classy Wordpress theme for a financial business website
December 30, 2014 1:39 PM   Subscribe

Our business needs a new webpage, and we're thinking of going with Wordpress. The problem is finding a nice theme that meets our requirements.

The page itself doesn't need to do anything much. Just some static pages with descriptions of our offerings.

We've got a few requirements/complicating factors:

-Needs to be classy looking, since this is going to be seen by lawyers, accountants, and executives.

-Should look like a page, not a blog.

-Navigation menu will have a lot of top level entries, so it will need to be on the left or right of the page, not at the top.

-This is going to be text heavy, very few images. Our business is a financial company in a niche that just doesn't lend itself well to pictures, even the usual clip-art of happy business people.

-We have no logo, and probably won't be getting one. So the theme can't be built around a logo.

-Stable and not horrible to set up. I'm experienced in IT, but not very WP experienced.

-It doesn't have to be free, as long as the price is reasonable.

posted by unreason to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Check out the WP themes at The Theme Foundry. They are very clean and robust, and the support is great.

Can you provide links to websites that shows the look you are trying to achieve? Descriptions such as 'classy' are subjective.

Choose a paid theme where possible from a long-term supplier. They support is worth the $$.
posted by Kerasia at 2:04 PM on December 30, 2014

Corporate themes at Themeforest.
posted by COD at 5:48 AM on December 31, 2014 [1 favorite]

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