Local cat hatter sought
October 3, 2014 12:26 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know where I could find good quality men's hats (I'm thinking bowlers or top hats but I'm very open to different styles) that would fit an average-sized cat, ready for immediate pickup, in San Francisco?

This looks like a job for Etsy but I'd rather not wait for shipping. I have urgent cat hatting needs. Thank you for understanding.
posted by prize bull octorok to Pets & Animals (13 answers total) 25 users marked this as a favorite
I don't know if they would have such a thing, but I would suggest asking Catnip & Bones if they know of a local purveyor. C&B is pretty high end and has things others don't. It being October, you may have better luck than usual.
posted by janey47 at 12:40 PM on October 3, 2014

Would a Broker's Gin hat meet your needs?
posted by katemonster at 1:22 PM on October 3, 2014 [1 favorite]

Best answer: It looks like the nearest Michael's store is a bit outside of San Francisco proper, but they usually have a selection of felt doll cat hats. (Not sure what to say about quality. They are little hats, but they are not going to be made out of beaver fur felt or lined with satin.)
posted by usonian at 1:27 PM on October 3, 2014 [1 favorite]

I have some great little hats that are Christmas ornaments. You might try a holiday store like Seasons
posted by txtwinkletoes at 1:44 PM on October 3, 2014

Find a fancy doll shop. They should be able to assist.
posted by erst at 1:50 PM on October 3, 2014 [1 favorite]

Try Bow Wow Meow on Polk Street, maybe. A place like Goorin Bros has good quality kids' hats, but they would likely be way too big for a small cat head. For something less well made, since it's Halloween season, you might try a Halloween store for tiny hats.
posted by three_red_balloons at 2:14 PM on October 3, 2014

How high quality are we talking here? You could make one (I'm thinking the second one) out of more substantial material than the paper suggested.

In any event, we will need to see photographic evidence of cat-hattedness.
posted by potsmokinghippieoverlord at 2:36 PM on October 3, 2014 [3 favorites]

Call Petco/Unleashed. The ones in LA are full of Halloween pet costumes right now. I think you'd want something professional with a little velcro strap like that, otherwise good luck getting it on your cat.

I agree with potsmokinghippieoverlord that there must be photos.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 3:36 PM on October 3, 2014

Response by poster: I found a top hat at Beverly's Fabric & Crafts, we'll see if that suffices. Pictures will be furnished. Thank you all.
posted by prize bull octorok at 3:52 PM on October 3, 2014 [4 favorites]

posted by potsmokinghippieoverlord at 5:19 PM on October 3, 2014

This is the best question on metafilter all week.
posted by MexicanYenta at 6:23 PM on October 3, 2014 [6 favorites]

Response by poster: This is what a successful AskMe looks like.
posted by prize bull octorok at 9:39 PM on October 3, 2014 [25 favorites]

What a well-hatted cat!
posted by gingerbeer at 10:29 PM on October 3, 2014

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