ADD treatment in Columbus, OH
August 18, 2014 9:50 AM   Subscribe

I very much need help for what I think is ADD and am looking for recommendations for psychiatrists in the Columbus area, particularly ones who accept BCBS. General advice on my situation also welcome; some details below.

I've been in therapy for depression for about a year. Right before I left Chicago in June, my therapist and I had begun to talk about getting me treated for ADD as well; however, I didn't have time to start this process there. In the meantime I've had a very stressful summer and now my ADD-like symptoms are significantly impacting my well-being, and I'm convinced I need to start treating this problem (ADD or not) as soon as possible.

For the next month and a half I'm in Columbus, Ohio. I think this is enough time to a) get an official diagnosis of ADD, if that's what this is and b) begin trying medication before I go back to Chicago in the fall, where I can switch my care to a psychiatrist there. I am therefore looking for recommendations for psychiatrists in this area who take BCBS insurance and who have experience treating adult ADD, and who would be able to see me in the relatively near future.

If anyone has any other advice for me I'd also like to hear that; to be honest I feel entirely overwhelmed and I'm not sure if this is a good plan or not.
posted by precession to Health & Fitness (3 answers total)
I asked a really similar question a couple of times, both based on where I lived. I got pretty crummy answers. I finally found someone after I got insurance and could get my PCP to give me a referral.

What I will say is that this is absolutely worth pursuing and that one of the things about ADD is that it can make obstacles like this feel very hard to surmount. But keep at it, you'll be happier in the long run.
posted by klangklangston at 3:42 PM on August 18, 2014

Not a specific recommendation (not in Ohio here), but relaying this from a friend that happens to work in the billing end of the field:

"You can call the 'member services' number on the back of your insurance card and ask them for participating psychiatrists. They won't be able to tell you if the psychiatrist has openings for new clients since doctors usually don't update that info with the insurance companies, but it will give you a list of names to start with."

She also wanted to add, "Also,once you have a diagnosis of ADD and you are in therapy, you can often see a nurse practitioner for the prescriptions. It is usually much easier to get an appointment with them, so ask BCBS for a list of their names/numbers too."
posted by mrgoat at 5:19 PM on August 18, 2014

I wonder about your time line. Up here in Cleveland, it was a month before I could get in to see a psychiatrist. It might have been harder for me because of my insurance and restricting myself to one hospital system. However, I remember way back when (10+ years ago) that waiting lists were 1-2 months as well.

Good luck. I hope you're able to get into see someone.
posted by kathrynm at 5:24 PM on August 18, 2014

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