Are there other prints in this set?
April 29, 2014 6:26 PM   Subscribe

Six years ago, I bought these two pieces of wall decor. Now I want more.

I found them for $1 each in the clearance section of the newly opened local TJ Maxx. At the time, I searched the other local home goods stores for similar items, but came up empty. I've given google and some art websites a search every few years, but have never been able to find them. (I've even tried TinEye, and some other searches- but nothing.)

I'm moving into a place with my own kitchen soon, and I'd love to find the other prints in the series (if they exist!) or something close enough to blend in or go with them in spirit, if you will.

If it helps, the price tag on them described them as trays, but the backs have picture hanging hardware. There is no stamp or signature on the back. (That would make it easy!)

posted by Torosaurus to Home & Garden (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Google Image says the artist is Lisa Ven Vertloh. And this link shows there are at least a couple more in the series!
posted by Merinda at 7:10 PM on April 29, 2014

Response by poster: You're wonderful- thank you so much!
posted by Torosaurus at 7:21 PM on April 29, 2014

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