What should I wear in Spain/Morocco in the fall?
October 24, 2013 3:07 PM   Subscribe

I am going to the South of Spain and Morocco for my honeymoon, starting November 5th. I have only been to Europe once before, and never to this area. I was wondering - what should my fiance and I bring, clothing-wise?

Basically, I am not sure what the weather will be like in Spain and Morocco during the first few weeks of November - I had heard something about it being rainy in Morocco, and a coworker said that it would probably be a bit warmer than New York at the current time. Is there anything specifically I should be aware of?
I generally wear button-down shirts and trousers, and will probably bring a blazer for dining and a parka in case of rain. I have a pair of nice boots that I might bring alone, or I might supplement with some loafers. My fiance pretty much wears the same thing, in womens sizes, and will be bringing a scarf to cover her head when touring religious sites. Is there anything else we should be thinking about?
posted by 235w103 to Travel & Transportation around Spain (5 answers total)
That sounds about right. It's warmer there, but not much that time of year. The rain can be heavy, but it's usually not -- normally it's just misty and cloudy. It can be glorious and clear, too. Being right on the coast, there's a fair bit of change.

In Spain you'll feel comfortable if you're on the dressy side of things. The blazer is an instant way to look good for dinner, and your fiancee's scarves will do the same for her. If she wears basic black and tosses a colorful scarf on, she'll feel right at home.

In Morocco it depends on where you'll be. In the cities it really doesn't matter how dressy you are, but in the desert it's very dusty and can be muddy, so you won't want to get very dressed up. If you're in Tangier or Meknes or Fez, being a touch on the dressy side for dinner (as above) will be fine, but no need for that during the day.

Bear in mind, when choosing luggage, that neither country is very friendly for rolling bags. Think stairs, cobble stones, unpaved sections. Be prepared to carry your luggage, and in Spain to try to fit it and the two of you in an elevator the size of a box of tissues. (No elevators to speak of in Morocco.) The same thought applies to your choice of shoes. You'll do a lot of walking on hard, uneven surfaces, and comfortable shoes will make your trip much happier.

Scarves, by the way, make fantastic souvenirs -- cheap, easy to pack, colorful, and highly reminiscent of the trip. Your fiancee may want to bring only one with her, and buy several once she gets there.

Excellent choice of a honeymoon destination. Have a great time.
posted by Capri at 3:50 PM on October 24, 2013

Southern Spain will probably be comparable in temperature to the Southern part of the East Coast at this time (so, 60s or so, 70s if you're lucky, 50s if you're not).

Where exactly (as in, what kind of accommodations) are you staying in Spain? I ask because my experience was that even though it wasn't cold and will certainly be warmer than in New York in November, they are not big on wall-to-wall carpeting or central heating in Andalucía and I got COLD. Seriously, it gets down to the 40s at night and the cold just gets in you. I never warmed up properly from November to March.

If you are anywhere near Cádiz, Málaga, et al, or even slightly inland from there, it will be windy. VERY WINDY.
posted by chainsofreedom at 4:53 PM on October 24, 2013

To follow etiquette in Morocco, no shorts for either gender (or above the knee skirts for ladies). Pants or skirts below the knee (preferably mid-calf) at all times. Adults baring their legs is a societal faux-pas there and will get a lot of stares and looks (and catcalls for the ladies).

It can be hot, so pack some light linen and cotton pants - though not sure about in the Fall.
posted by amaire at 5:10 PM on October 24, 2013

It also kind of depends on the place -- Granada will be colder than Seville or Cadiz because it's in the mountains; and it *will* depend a lot on whether there is a gota fría when you arrive. The national weather service's website is this one, and they have three-day forecasts for Andalucia here.

As for fashion, you'll be more than OK.

they are not big on wall-to-wall carpeting or central heating in Andalucía and I got COLD.

...Yeah, houses in the south are optimized for dissipating heat, not preserving it. It goes over 45ºC routinely during the summer. As for carpeting, it's a bit of a cultural thing, we just think it is *dirty* and if you can't wash the floor with a mop soaked in detergent and bleach, it's not a floor worth having, so that's why we have either tiles or parquetry on the floors.

Since you'll be arriving near the festivity of Todos los Santos, watch out for the specialities of "huesos de santo" (an almond paste and cream thing) and buñuelos (fried dough balls) if you can still find them in shops.
posted by sukeban at 12:15 AM on October 25, 2013

I would suggest that your fiancee bring one long black skirt to wear for dressy places or religious places.
It sounds like you will be in cities so do bring the extra nice shoes. Especially if it rains you will be happy to have a spare pair. If you are staying in hotels with pools, dont forget flip flops and something to wear on you way down there.
posted by rmless at 8:01 AM on October 25, 2013

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