MySQL what? Can any PHP computer people or OpenFuego users help me out?
October 23, 2013 6:35 AM   Subscribe

I want to use a seemingly simple MySQL/PHP open source...thing called OpenFuego and have no idea what I'm doing. Can someone take a look at this and tell me what I need to get it up and running?

I asked a question recently about tools that mine twitter for the most popular news in a tag, say #architecture. One of the responses (thread here: recommended Open Fuego, this open-source software that seems like it's exactly what I want.

The problem is that I have to do some things in MySQL and PHP to set it up. The explanation is probably very simple if you know what those things are, but for someone like me, it's just an incomprehensible foreign language.

Here are the instructions:

And here you can see the files included in the zip file:

I downloaded the zip file and read the config-sample.php file. And then I was confused. I think I understand that I need to edit the config-sample.php file (do I then resave it as config.php?) but I don't know what to do from there. I'm used to just hitting a big install button. Could someone walk me through a translation of the instructions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
posted by bluelight to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
I downloaded the zip file and read the config-sample.php file.

What exactly do you mean here? Have you unpacked the zip file on a computer that already has MySQL/PHP installed and where you are comfortable working from the command line (e.g. a hosted web server or your local box with something like W.A.M.P. running)? Open Fuego does not appear to be an application with a GUI that opens with a double-click on just any computer, and I'm not sure from your question if that is what you expect or not.
posted by 0 at 7:07 AM on October 23, 2013 [2 favorites]

Oops - mod can remove that 1st post...hit "post" too quickly.

The file has the instructions and are pretty straightforward. Yes, you need to save it as config.php . But first, what kind of system are you installing this on? You'll need PHP and MySQL installed (at least versions 5.3 and 5.0 respectively), and you'll need to create a database in MySQL first so you'll know what to put in the config.php.
posted by dukes909 at 7:08 AM on October 23, 2013

Response by poster: @0: I unpacked the zip. I have no idea what MySQL/PHP is. I see now that it's something I need to download (aha!).

I have no idea what a command line is. I know from the OpenFuego read me that it doesn't run on Windows. I am using a Mac.

@dukes909: I am installing it on a Mac. One of the biggest problems is that this is entirely foreign to me. I just downloaded MySQL and PHP but they are just folders with files...I have no idea how to proceed because I'm used to just installing programs and tinkering from there but there's no installation button. Am I supposed to "run" MySQL somehow?

I am so confused.
posted by bluelight at 7:38 AM on October 23, 2013

It looks like all the app does is save the links it finds to the dB. There isn't even a GIU for you to utilize to look at the data. So even if you get it running you will still need to write a web app to display the data from the database in some sort of useful format.

This app is a tool to help developers build something to mine Twitter data. it's not usable by somebody that doesn't understand how to build a database backed web site. It would be a great learning project if you want to learn web development. If you don't want to do that you probably need to find another solution.
posted by COD at 7:49 AM on October 23, 2013 [2 favorites]

As COD states, this software appears to be oriented more to help developers build something more substantial. It'll mine stuff an put it into the MySQL database. If you're willing to wade into this prepare to do a lot of reading:

Start out by learning about the command line, using terminal for the Mac. I'm not sure where you can find the actual terminal on the Mac, but this guide might help out.

MySQL is a relational database. Some installation instructions here. Uses the command line.

You'll need to take note of the username, password and database name you create to fill out the config-sample.php.

PHP is a programming language. You'll need something to interpret and run PHP sources. In web development, this is usually done using a module in Apache, but Open Fuego runs on the command line. Command line PHP is available here.

You'll also need to install the the cURL library.

Once you've got all that set up, the config-sample.php file filled out, you can run the program as described in the Usage section.

To do something with that data, you'll have to learn SQL, and how to access that database with PHP scripts or any programming language that has a database driver for MySQL. So you'll have to learn to program if you don't already.
posted by Mister Cheese at 8:33 AM on October 23, 2013

Simplest start for a novice would be to download and install MAMP. I suspect trying the OpenFuego Front End would be helpful too. You'll need to follow the OF instructions carefully. Feel free to message me with questions.
posted by artlung at 12:21 PM on October 23, 2013

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