Switching cell phones from Cincinnati Bell to another carrier
October 15, 2013 11:57 AM   Subscribe

My wife and I got HTC Sensation cell phones from Cincinnati Bell in Nov 2011. The contract will expire shortly, and I'd like to find alternatives that would save us some money. We're generally happy with the hardware, so I see little incentive at this point to get rid of the phones. Does anyone have any experiences, good or bad, that they can share regarding switching from Cincinnati Bell to a prepaid or other budget carrier? We would both need voice and data (though not a huge data plan), and my wife needs SMS messaging (I use Google Voice). Thanks!
posted by zainsubani to Technology (1 answer total)
I use Straight Talk wireless and like them. Their customer service sucks but the quality of phone service is good and it is cheap.
posted by Aizkolari at 1:08 PM on October 15, 2013

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