How to figure out which news story is trending the most at a given time?
October 9, 2013 7:03 AM   Subscribe

Twitter and Tumblr feature trending or hot tags/news. But is there a way to find the most read/shared news story associated with a certain tag/news topic?

Part of my current position requires me to scour the web for recent news to repost on our social media pages. There is a very specific tag/category that the news falls into. On tweetdeck, I've set up a column to follow a few of those tags. The problem is that there is just so much news (luckily its not a tag that just gets spammed or used in irrelevant ways) that's sometimes repeated. I'd like to just get the news that maybe got retweeted/shared the most on the web, whether it's on twitter or elsewhere.

Is there an easy solution that I'm just overlooking?
posted by bluelight to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
If you have an iPad, Hitpad sorts trending news into separate sections and lets you navigate by it.
posted by nickhb at 7:24 AM on October 9, 2013

Maybe check against the "most popular" column in the right pane of google news?
posted by mattbucher at 8:20 AM on October 9, 2013

Open Fuego?

I follow Fuego, which shows top stories that journalists are sharing on social media. My understanding is that Open Fuego will allow you to tweak the code to monitor more specific topics or sources.
posted by forkisbetter at 11:19 AM on October 10, 2013

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