Looking for temporary, simple, affordable housing south of Boston/Quincy
October 1, 2013 8:55 AM   Subscribe

I'm taking a temporary job near Duxbury, MA. I'll be working there for 3 months, potentially renewing for another 3 months. I'm starting next week. I really don't need anything more than a place to sleep, but I'm having a hard time coming up with something temporary and affordable <=$1000 a month.

I'm looking at Craigslist for winter rentals but the few I've found want someone who's going to stay for 6 months. I'm looking at air BnB but haven't come up with anything yet.

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for places to look (or specific places to call). I have excellent credit and references and have a job/contract. I'll be spending most of my time in Somerville or north, so won't be around very much. I work nights, so my only real requirement is a quiet place during the day so I can sleep.

I'd consider places on 3 as far north as Quincy but don't want to drive longer than that.

Any ideas?
posted by sully75 to Home & Garden (4 answers total)
You will probably have to take something for the first week or two, then you can search by driving around. Mid-October is a weird time to be starting a sublet in this area so you might have better luck for November 1.

Which Craigslist are you searching? You might have better luck with the South Coast version or Cape Cod version.
posted by barnone at 9:48 AM on October 1, 2013

With Craigslist use Boston/ South Shore. I would look into Plymouth -- cheaper than Duxbury and lot of seasonal houses that go empty during the winters.
posted by zeikka at 2:28 PM on October 1, 2013

You might try some VBRO or HomeAway type listings too. Here's a 'charming oceanfront house' in Plymouth for $1000 a month. Here's a cozy two-bedroom for $1000/month without utilities.

This place is $1100 a month but you might be able to knock it down with a guaranteed 3 month rental. This place is $1050 a month without utilities but again, they might be interested in a 3 month income. Here's another rental for $1000/month without utilities. Send them an email with the details of your employment and an offer of $1000 with utilities and see what happens.
posted by barnone at 5:20 PM on October 1, 2013

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